A:PC/Gwenevere Val'Abebi/Crafting
Craft Reserve: 200 (must spent 120 at creation)
Crafting feats: Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Items
FOR GOLD: ( ( [base gold] / 2 ) * .75 ) or [base gold] x 0.375
FOR XP: ( ( [base XP] / 25 ) * .75 ) or [base xp] x 0.03 (OR 0.15 for xp to gold conversion)
FOR TIME: ( [total final cost in gold] / 1000g ) = day(s)
Items crafted
🎲 DM Next to each item that you want to create make sure to list XP, Gold, and Craft Reserve spent on the item. All items are subject to DM approval.
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (750g)
Bag of Tricks- Rust (1125g)
Please set an amount I am allowed to craft at start: (cheese section)
CLW Potion x1, 1d6+5 hp (9.375g, 0.3 CR), Street Value: 30ish gold, Merchant Sell price: 18ish gold
CSW Potion x1, 3d6+6 hp (140.625g, 4.5 CR), Street Value: 420ish gold, Merchant Sell price: 210ish gold