Drinking & Dragons

Disposable:Racial Profiling/5 Cameron Has Worms

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 16:13, 10 February 2012 by >Gronk (→‎Prophet's Garden)

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Starring: Duen (Andrew), Cameron (Ian), Rynn (Brad), & Zandor (Tim)
Guest Starring: Eveready Jacob (Centaur); Nightpeddler
Challenge: Drunk Air Elemental; Mute Hag (Sonnorae's corpse)
Location: Trackless Dearth (Desert); Prophet's Garden
Date Played: 09 Feb 2012

A Calamitous Wind

Rynn: We headed off to find the Nightpeddler. As we crossed the immense desert at the edge of the realm, we happened upon a drunken dervish. It was an inebriated air elemental assaulting a half-man, half-horse booze salesman. So we charged in and saved the horse's ass. This centaur of attention, we found out, had cut off the dust devil's spirits supply, thus enraging him to the point of violence. After driving off the pissed (and pissed) vortex, we bartered with the nomadic shopkeep, and then he lead us a few days travel to the Nightpeddler's location. Handy.

Dealing with the Nightpeddler (Cameron buys a monkey)


Rynn: It was easy getting in to see the Nightpeddler. Once we found out which tent was his (the biggest, duh), we asked to see him. And shortly did just that. But to my horror, I come to the blood-chilling realization that HE HAS A MONKEY. As a PET! A goddamn MONKEY! I did not take my eyes off that devious despicable bastard for a second. I'm not going through THAT again! The others said some stuff about worms, slaves, and trading for the desired gem object, but I couldn't pay attention that well. At one point, Cameron takes the hideous beastie out of the tent. This was a relief, to say the least. We concluded our business, and surprisingly, none of my teammates attacked him afterwards. I guess it's a random thing. As we exited the tent, the floor dropped out of my stomach as I saw the most horrific event unfolding. Cameron is just about to feed the fiendish primate an enlarging potion! I can't imagine what I must have looked like, eyes open wide in terror, mouth agape, pointing at the abomination that is transpiring. I think my hair even curled a bit at the fright of it all. Imagine, something as terrifying as a loose monkey, but HUGE! God. Fortunately, that didn't happen for some reason. And Cameron stuffed the little bastard into his chest-jail, and took it with us. I think he is quite literally insane.

Prophet's Garden


Rynn: The witch thingie froze that little shit of a monkey dead. YES!


Prophet's Garden
Sonnorae's corpse had the Black Quill, another of the tokens that are sought.