Drinking & Dragons

LRC:Cavern of Deep Sashelas, part 2

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 14:53, 14 April 2006 by >Herman

Attendance: Daryl, Joe, Herman, Ryan

Signposts and Footprints

Lukas:Hmmm. Interesting that the ancient elves would use the runes as a system of guideposts. It's also very interesting that there is another group down here, judging by the dead gargoyles and the footprints that Brennel found.

The First Exit

Lukas: Cargoyles and a shark AND scythe traps. It's getting more and more dangerous down here. No surprise there. I got to try out my new technique "Earthen Grasp" It's pretty handy, no pun intended. Now we're in a kelp field with an overgrown but manufactured path on it.

He Wasn't in a Sack!

Lukas: Well, I never expected to see Simon down here. Nor Lukan, Deet or any of the others. It would be good to see them, if it wasn't for the fact that they are working for Harlann. And they probably trust us less, thanks to Poon. I hope that Lukan and Deet Remember that I turned away from Velsharoon. Otherwise, It'll be back to the usual distrust I face.

Second Entrance, Better Guard

Lukas: Ow. Ouch. That Hurt. Painful. Those are all words that are understatements if you are talking about the wounds that a stone Golem can inflict. With a single blow. Even Blunted by the water, it still hit as hard as a greatsword, and it would hit harder in a normal environment. Hurts like a bitch is on the right track.

I'm glad that I was able to get it through to Lukan that the shield would help stop the Stone Golem. Brennel and Dookette also seemed to be working toward putting the Trident and Shield into place. Although Dookette was only able to help because Simon swapped her with (Insert injured NPC name Here) to protect him.

A new puzzle

Lukas: Well, those ancient sea elves aren't fans of a logical answer. Stupid Visual Puzzles that require you to think in obscure numerical systems. Although I have to admit, "Ouch" and "That Hurt" are good words to describe a lightning bolt like that one.

Side Discussion

Herman: I figure we should have a section where our characters can talk about Poon's recent actions. (I'd say this was whispered behind Poon's Back, While he is asleep, next time we rest.)

Daryl/Robhim: DM has been playing Poon more and more self-centered with each progressive session lately, and he crossed the line tonight, getting attempted wackings from multiple people.

Lukas: Agreed. At the rate that Poon is going, he'll become evil for the love of money. I'm thinking that we can hire an honest cleric of Tyr, Azuth or Mystra for a share in the treasure and get someone we can trust. A favored like Timmie was would also be a good ally too.

DM: Lucan did make a comment regarding Timmie's death in the bar where you met him. However that comment wasn't added to the wiki.

Herman: I remember that we were told by Lukan that they were trying to get Timmie a proper funeral, or a resurrection, though I think it was a proper funeral. The reason being that Timmie had been buried in a mass grave. (I think this was during the God Shopping session.)

Also brought up was Timmie's connection to the Lightbringer family, which has a connection to the impending boogieman known as the final battle between good and evil. And a connection to the Nightbringer Family and possibly the Moonbringer family too. (Lukas: I hate prophecies. I'll be lucky if I'm not secretly related to one of these "Bringer" families.)