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Revision as of 07:17, 17 July 2019 by >AzureFrost

Quianna Taylor Refresh 3


Heroic Concept: '"Mage Princess Enigma" of Conundrum
Mundane Life: Overwhelmed Lead Barista
Hook: Tyrone Still Needs Me

Aspect: Attic Full of Highschool Competition Artworks
Aspect: Easy To Talk To


  • +4 Will
  • +3 Empathy, Rapport
  • +2 Contacts, Notice, Crafts
  • +1 Shoot, Athletics, Deceive, Stealth

Stunts and Extras



Bewitching Gaze
As a reaction to taking Physical or Mental stress from a creature in the same Zone as me, I turn my bewitching gaze towards them and can magically enthrall that creature. The creature must make an Overcome roll against my Will to resist the effect. If the creature fails I take no stress and they gain the Stunned aspect. Once a creature is under this effect I must remain in the same zone as them and can only use my action each turn to maintain this effect, or the Stunned aspect is removed and I take half the Stress I would have originally taken as they retaliate against me.
Enigmatic Form
Because I am "Mage Princess Enigma" from Conundrum, I poses the ability to shift and change my appearance in such a way that others have a hard time recalling me when trying to describe something I may have done. Each session I have the Enigmatic Form aspect with one free invoke, which I may only use when making a Deceive or Stealth roll to Overcome. This aspect cannot be invoked against creatures who have spent more than 1 hour with me.
Enchanting Words
Once per scene if I have spent at least 10 minutes speaking with a creature, I can attempt to charm a creature. I make an Empathy roll to Overcome their Will. On a failure, the creature gains the Charmed aspect with one free invoke.
*Maniacal Laughter* Ma'am...I am the Manager!
Since I'm an Overwhelmed Lead Barista, I'm used to dealing with difficult situation (aka, bullshit complaints) and managing expectations. I have a +2 to Rapport or Empathy rolls to Overcome when dealing with difficult people (which, let's be real, is basically everyone).
Helicopter Sister
Because Tyrone Still Needs Me (obviously, he's just a child), I gain a +2 on rolls to Create Advantage when it would benefit Tyrone.
An Eye for Detail
Due to my Attic Full of Highschool Competition Artworks I have a keen eye for detail and a e s t h e t i c. I gain a +2 to Overcome obstacles that involve Notice and a further +1 bonus if the obstacle involves artwork (ex. a secret message in a painting or a hidden lever on a sculpture).
Getting to Know You
Because I'm Easy To Talk To, once per session when I meet an NPC, I can choose to learn one of their aspects (GM's choice) and get a free invoke on it.

Stress and Consequences

Physical 1 2 3
Mental 1 2 3
Mild 2 empty
Moderate 4 empty
Severe 6 empty
Extreme 8 empty, may only be used between major milestones and REPLACES one of your current aspects.