Drinking & Dragons

IK:Corvis Besieged

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 07:17, 12 January 2007 by >Mqs

  Attendance: Randy, James, Mike
NPCs: Capt. Hellstrom

Escaping the Temple

Fought against a mechanospiderperson in a hallway while trying to get out. We found the Witchfire sword, and the sword seems to want to take the life of Caitlyn.

mechanospiderperson, Father Lucant, was a very, very powerful entity.

Greetings Professor

We escape and head out. A small steam vessel left a half hour prior to us getting to our vessel. Find a dwarf professor, Widecheck, who joins the ship.

Vinter has returned to Corvis, the sane leave

Traveling down south, we encounter a lot of ships headed away from the city. Squint and the capt of another ship, Cpt Edden, tells us that, Vinter Raelthorne is back and gods help us all. Recommends that we leave for lhael.

Vintor, an excellent swordsman, cause of inquistion. Osted him after combat and not seen since. Decade ago. Inquistion stopped by new king Leto. Corvis is swarming with Inquistiors again, they have tattoos on their hands that look like and eyeball crossed with a lightning bolt. Order of the Unseen Eye == inquistors. Watch is taking orders from them. City council was murdered. Only Borloach survived. He is now Mayor protem. Confiscating firearms and swords only.

Order of the Illuminated Ones finds Caitlyn

Getting back into the city

Fight guards and Hellstrom helps us.

Getting to island prison