Annalana Love

Aka, Tabitha (a long time ago); Ma’Li’Ca (her dark elf disguise)
I am a prolific journaler for each sunrise wipes my memories clean and my notebooks are my memories.
File:Icon-Archmage.svg (Conflicted) | File:Icon-DwarfKing.svg(Positive) | File:Icon-ElfQueen.svg(Negative)
Commander 4
Human Female
Abilities Str 17 3 | Dex 15 2 | Con 12 1 | Int 10 0 | Wis 10 0 | Cha 18 4
Init: 6 (Dex + Level)
- Quick to Fight (Racial Power)
- At the start of each battle, roll initiative twice and choose the result you want.
HP: 48 ([7+Con]*6)
Recoveries: 8 (4d8[18]+Con[1]), 19 average
AC: 18 (20 full HP) (12 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis [1/2/0] + Level + 2 magic at full HP)
Physical Defense: 17 (10 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex [3/1/2] + Level + 1 Cloak)
Mental Defense: 16 (12 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha [0/0/4] + Level)
Basic Attacks
Melee attack (At-Will)
Target: One enemy
Attack: +7 (Strength + Level) vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON (Shortsword 4d6 or Spear 4d8) + 3 Strength damage
Miss: 4 dmg (Damage equal to your level)
Ranged attack (At-Will)
Target: One enemy
Attack: 6 (Dexterity + Level) vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON (Shortbow, 4d6) + 2 Dexterity damage
Miss: —
Class Features
Command points: 1 point at the start of each battle.
- Fight from the Front (+1d4 cmdr points on a melee hit)
- When you hit with a commander melee attack during your turn, gain 1d3 command points.
- [Feat] You now gain 1d4 command points when you hit with a melee attack during your turn instead of 1d3.
- Weigh the Odds (Standard action)
- Gain 1d4 command points.
- [Feat] Once per day, add your Charisma modifier (4) to the number of command points you gain when you use this action.
Class Talents
- Battle Captain
- Once per battle when you have 2 or more command points left after giving a command, you can use another interrupt action on a different ally’s turn before the start of your next turn.
- Destined to Lead
- When you roll a 5 or 6 on an icon relationship die, you gain 2 bonus command points that last until the end of the current game session, no matter what events occur due to the advantage gained with that icon.
- [Feat] You now gain the 2 bonus command points when you roll a 4 with an icon relationship die as well.
- Into the Fray
- At the start of each battle before you and your allies roll initiative, roll a d4. A number of your allies equal to the roll gain the following benefit of your choice: a +4 bonus to initiative that battle; OR a +2 bonus to AC until the end of the first round.
Commands and Tactics
Interrupts (Commander points)
- Save Now! (Interrupt action, 1 command point)
- Target—One nearby ally (on the ally’s turn)
- Effect—The target can roll a save against a save ends effect.
- Try Again (Interrupt action, 2 command points)
- Target—One nearby ally that made an attack roll (on that ally’s turn)
- Effect—The target can reroll the attack but must use the new result.
- Get Out of There! (Interrupt action, 1 command point)
- Target—One nearby ally (on the ally's turn)
- Effect—The target can use a quick action this turn to pop free from one enemy.
Quick Actions
- Basic Tactical Strike (Quick action, Recharge 11+ after battle)
- Target—One nearby ally
- Effect—The target can make a basic attack as a free action.
- Just Stay Calm (Quick action, when the escalation die is 2+, Recharge 16+ after battle)
- Effect—Decrease the escalation die by 1. Then 1d3 of your nearby allies can heal using a recovery.
- Scramble (Quick action; Recharge 16+ after battle)
- Effect—You and 1d3 nearby allies each can take a move action as a free action, starting with you and proceeding in the order of your choice.
- Adventurer Feat—Disengage checks made using this free action gain a +5 bonus.
- Swordwork (Free action when the escalation die is 3+, Recharge 16+, )
- You can make a basic melee attack as a quick action once each turn until the end of the battle. You can’t gain command points from your Fight from the Front class feature using swordwork attacks.
- [Feat] You can now use this tactic when the escalation die is 3+.
- Thief +2
- Was a member of the Salvation, a youth gang, after she ran away from home at age 12.
- Academically Trained Soldier +2
- Formally trained in Forge to be a soldier and strategist.
- Battlefield Captain +1
- Field promoted to Captain during the year-long Siege of the Deep, an attempt to gain ground from the Dark Elves.
- Interrogator +1
- Broke the spirits and bodies of tight-lipped dark elf captives for information.
- Social Worker +2
- Unable to help herself find her memories through dark actions, she is now trying to help the world in the hopes that karma kicks in.
- Chainmail Armor
- Body. Unknown quirk
- +2 AC when at full HP
- Elven armor.
- Cloak
- Body. ???
- +1 PD
- 1/day become an illusionary version of the enemy (Drow) for duration of “a scene of some sort”.
- Fine looking though plain cloak. Formerly had dwarven runes on it.
- Dwarflaw Ring
- Ring. Litigious
- DWARF LAW (Standard action, Recharge 16+)
- For the rest of the battle when you hit a foe, choose one—+2d8 psychic damage, -1 any defense, stones of the mountain reject them (treat as terrain stunt), Alcohol becomes poisonous to them, Curse of Beardlessness
- Black iron ring
- Physical Lean and neat with signs of a soldier's life. Shaved head.
- Mannerisms Direct and efficient with movements
- Personal Goals To ensure that others do not suffer needlessly.
- Heuristic Think first, then act.
- Religion Openly follows the Dwarven Pantheon while privately dismissing all gods.
- Family/Origin/Etc Raised by dairy farmers who evaded taxes. She sold them out for 30 silver to fund her running away at age 12.
- Catchphrase/Song/Etc Taps
- Token A helmet forged of steel with the faceguard shaped like a beard.
- Tattoo on her wrist that says "Read Journal First"