Drinking & Dragons

BB:Session/02 Dad Overboard

From Drinking and Dragons

← Prev: 01 All Hallow's Scream   |   Next: 03 Jingle Bell Shock

Starring: Hazel, Lulu, Sal, and introducing Geraldine
Guest Starring: Sheriff Wyman Dalrymple
Location: Brindlewood Bay marina and the Krause family yacht
Date Played: 23 Nov 2024

Complexity: 6

Just as their meeting is ending, the Mavens are approached by Brindlewood County’s chief law enforcement officer, Sheriff Wyman Dalrymple. He tells them that, earlier today, a wealthy financier, Albert Krause, was dragged out of the bay, dead. Mr. Krause and his family were on a yachting vacation and their boat is presently anchored a quarter mile from shore. The surviving Krauses—wife Allison, eldest daughter Sara, son David, and youngest daughter Emily—assert Mr. Krause was drunk and simply fell overboard. Sheriff Dalrymple suspects foul play but if he can’t produce evidence to that effect soon, he’ll be forced to let the family take Albert back to Boston. The body is currently being held in a cold storage at the fish market until the matter can be sorted out. Establishing Question: You met one of the Krause children several years ago. What were the circumstances around that meeting?

Sheriff Dalrymple needs the Mavens’ help in proving foul play. He emphasizes to them that he does not need them to solve the whole mystery—that’s what the sheriff’s department is for. Of course, Murder Mavens are going to do what Murder Mavens are going to do…


Sheriff Wyman Dalrymple
Allison Krause
Sara Krause
Daughter, homemaker
David Krause
Emily Krause
Daughter, nerdy
The butler
Captain Curly
Yacht captain
Etienne Beauregard
Fishmonger from Scranton who does a fake French accent

Mystery solution

  • Allison Krause killed her husband, who was going to leave all of his money to his daughter Emily.

Void clue(s)

  • A fish, dying, strange purple ooze seeping from its beady, black eyes.