Drinking & Dragons

Brew:Cast/Jericho Wolf

From Drinking and Dragons


Strength: 3
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 3
Intelligence: 3
Perception: 2
Willpower: 2


Acrobatics: 2
Art: 0
Computers: 0
Crime: 0
Doctor: 5
Driving: 0
Getting Medieval: 3
Gun Fu: 0
Influence: 0
Knowledge: 0
Kung Fu: 5
Languages: 0
Mr. Fix-it: 0
Notice: 3
Occultism: 2
Science: 0
Sports: 0

Werewolf Form


Life Points: 40
Armor: 4 vs Bash damage


Fear Test: Willpower (doubled)
Consciousness Test: Willpower + Constitution (-1 for every Life Point below zero)
Survival Test: Willpower + Constitution + 2 for hard to kill (-1 for every ten Life Points below zero)

Qualities & Drawbacks


Natural Weapon
Claws (2×Str)
Hard to Kill ×2
Natural Toughness
Armor 4 vs Bash damage (added near Life Points)
Acute Senses (which sense?)
+3 to Perception-related rolls with that sense
Regain 1 life point per hour


Charisma 1
+1 to Influence rolls
Attractive 1
+1 to persuading people
Honourable (Serious)
This code of honor is more complex, and applies to all—friend or foe. The character always keeps his word and does his best to fulfill any promises he makes. He betrays not the trust of others once he has accepted it. He may be reluctant to give his word except in a good cause, or at least a good cause as he sees it, because once given, it is inviolate.


Spirit Medium
See and interact with spirits of the dead
Recurring Nightmares
Each night the Executive Producer may impose dreams or roll randomly (a one results in a nightmare) that leaves you exhausted (-1 to all rolls the following day).
Tradition Bound
-1 penalty to interactions that aren't in the tradition
Addiction (Pot) 3
Applies a -3 penalty. For futher details, see Addiction (from Angel, not Ghost of Albion)