COS:2018-11-15: Exploring the Amber Temple
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Starring: Sebastion, Božidar, Sozi, Hakk, Shiro
Guest Starring: Esmerelda, Kasimir
Challenge: Flame Skulls; Magically compelling statue; A chest stuck to the ceiling
Location: Amber Temple
Date Played: 15 Nov 2018
Fighting the Flameskulls

After much planning, Shiro throws open the door and we charge in! After we defeat the flameskulls, Sebastion see that the dead humanoid has a blue crystalline staff.
Sozi explores the room with the model of the castle and discovers a sword hilt. Sebastion examines it and the metal begins to heat in his hand.
... had to take care of Astrid ...
In the dinner room, there were ghosts?
Magically compelling statue and secret doors
Shiro sneaks, unsuccessfully, to the room where the arcane eye was dispelled. Shiro is compelled to approach the statue. As we filed into the room everyone except Sozi and Bozi were magically captivated by the statue. Shiro attempted to break the magic by punching the statue, to no avail. Bozi tried covering the statue with cloth and that broke the effect!
Bozi found a secret door that had a chest magically glued to the ceiling made of ironwood. After a long and drawn out scene the group busts it open, causing the floor to fall out from underneath everyone. Before that Bozi found another secret door to the north but that hasn't be investigated yet.
In the lower floor, thirty feet down, several undead rise and a short combat ensued.