From Drinking and Dragons
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Revenge is a dish best served at zero-kelvin.</p>" }, "biography": { "value": "<p><span></span><br></p>" }, "pronouns": { "value": "She/Her" }, "notes": { "value": "", "GM": false }, "fatePoints": { "current": 0, "refresh": 3, "boosts": 0 }, "sheet_mode": "minimal_at_refresh_0" }, "tracks": { "U3RyZXNz": { "name": "Stress", "category": "Combat", "description": "<p><br></p>", "universal": true, "unique": true, "recovery_type": "Fleeting", "aspect": "No", "when_marked": "<p><br></p>", "recovery_conditions": "", "boxes": 6, "harm_can_absorb": 1, "paid": false, "label": "none", "notes": "", "box_values": [ true, true, true, true, false, false ], "enabled": true }, "SW4gUGVyaWw": { "name": "In Peril", "category": "Combat", "description": "", "universal": true, "unique": true, "recovery_type": "Sticky", "aspect": { "name": "", "when_marked": true, "as_name": false }, "when_marked": "<p><br></p>", "recovery_conditions": "", "boxes": 1, "harm_can_absorb": 4, "paid": false, "label": "none", 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equipment, or enough time.</p>", "refresh_cost": 1, "overcome": true, "caa": false, "attack": false, "defend": false, "bonus": 2, "notes": "", "boxes": 0, "box_values": [] }, "4p2H77iPIENoaWxkIG9mIHRoZSBWb2lk": { "name": "❇️ Child of the Void", "linked_skill": "None", "description": "<p>You can operate in the vacuum of space without protection.</p>", "refresh_cost": 0, "overcome": false, "caa": false, "attack": false, "defend": false, "bonus": 0, "notes": "", "boxes": 0, "box_values": [] } }, "override": { "active": false, "refresh": 0, "skillPoints": 0 } }, "prototypeToken": { "actorLink": true, "name": "Oona Vappu", "displayName": 50, "width": 1, "height": 1, "lockRotation": true, "rotation": 0, "alpha": 1, "light": { "alpha": 0.5, "angle": 360, "bright": 0, "coloration": 1, "dim": 0, "luminosity": 0.5, "saturation": 0, "contrast": 0, "shadows": 0, "animation": { "speed": 5, "intensity": 5, "reverse": false, "type": null }, "darkness": { "min": 0, "max": 1 }, "color": null, 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