Cold:PC/Quinn Montoya
From Drinking and Dragons
{ "name": "Quinn Montoya (Joe)", "type": "fate-core-official", "img": "Quinn%20Montoya.jpg", "items": [], "effects": [], "folder": null, "flags": { "exportSource": { "world": "cold-war", "system": "fate-core-official", "coreVersion": "11.315", "systemVersion": "4.6.1" } }, "system": { "details": { "description": { "value": "<p><br></p>" }, "biography": { "value": "<p><br></p>" }, "pronouns": { "value": "They/Them" }, "notes": { "value": "<p>Knows Morse Code<br></p><p>Works for Mother in the Walezzi</p><p> -Needs to kill our point of contact on IC station (Poggio Bracchiolini) <i>done</i></p><p> -Contact was involved in my fathers murder</p><p>My double is one of two who were sold off by my parents (we're apparently triplets)</p><p> -May need to remove my mother</p><p>Married to Morgan Bentley</p><p><br></p><p>Cotton comes with to IC station</p><p><br></p><p>Knows the \"root password\" for Louis</p><p><br></p><p>Has gotten more loose with Cthonic stuff</p><p><br></p><p>Killed Poggio a third time, left the Papal station via escape craft</p><p><br></p><p>On the Walezzi Tortuga station, joined the local fighting circuit on a fight-by-fight contract. Earned a place by fighting Alejandro and gave some big pointers to help his fighting.</p><blockquote style=\"margin: 0 0 0 40px; border: none; padding: 0px;\"><p><span>**Alejandro** - Weapons Technician - Skilled and precise, Alejandro is the station's weapons technician from Mexico, maintaining and repairing all of the station's weapons.</span></p></blockquote><p><br></p><p>Louis has sicced the Cthonic entity in the Dynamo on Quinn, and both have entered my dreams. Louis appeals to the freedom-loving part of Quinn, not wanting to be a prisoner, pointing at the inherent flaws in Ciaran, Louis, and Jones as reasons why it can only be Quinn.</p><p></p><blockquote style=\"margin: 0 0 0 40px; border: none; padding: 0px;\"><p>Quinn enters into a deal with the Dynamo to free it and have it help free us.</p></blockquote><p></p><p><br></p><p>Louis now has a debt tracker for Quinn.</p><p><br></p><p>Memorized where super evil people left to (including mother).</p><p><br></p><p>We found Aelita, who is a super creepy Russian girl.</p><p><br></p><p>Ran into US Marine Cthonic Intervention team, Louis started shit, Quinn attempted to kill him.</p><p><br></p><p>Quade seems very clever, good at reading people and unreadable.</p><p><br></p><p>Quimby is a vatican cthonic sorcerer. Quinn thinks he is mother's secret weapon.</p><p><br></p><p>Morgan used Quade as a backup to Quinn. Quinn replied that they \"used to crank it to Morgan's mom\".</p><p><br></p><p>Quinn was once a supporting actor in a Moonbase Liberty Superhero show as Moonlight, sidekick of Captain Liberty.</p><p><br></p><p>Team got the Polina out of the way using Una, we slipped Aelita in as the Cthonic expert in the heist. The heist went off without a hitch, and we swapped out the Rosarium Abyssi for the mock up we made (that Aelita got \"blessed\" by the King in Yellow). Morgan and Quade left, and Morgan slipped Quinn a mix tape with the sweet sounds of intel, Quimby is going to summon an angel as part of the Walezi plot end game. We handed the tainted anal beads back and left in our sweet new ride, the Good Luck 'n Finish.</p><p><br></p><p><u>List</u></p><p><i>X Poggio Bracchiolini (High-level banker at the institute for the works of religion) |||</i></p><p><i>X</i> Louis <i>I</i></p><p><i>X</i> Mother <i>I</i></p><p><i>X Agent Jones |</i></p>", "GM": false }, "fatePoints": { "current": 0, "refresh": 5, "boosts": 0 }, "sheet_mode": "full" }, "tracks": { "U3RyZXNz": { "name": "Stress", "category": "Combat", "description": "<p><br></p>", "universal": true, "unique": true, "recovery_type": "Fleeting", "aspect": "No", "when_marked": "<p><br></p>", "recovery_conditions": "", "boxes": 6, "harm_can_absorb": 1, "paid": false, "label": "none", "notes": "", "box_values": [ false, false, false, false, false, false ], "enabled": true }, "SW4gUGVyaWw": { "name": "In Peril", "category": "Combat", "description": "", "universal": true, "unique": true, "recovery_type": "Sticky", "aspect": { "name": "", "when_marked": true, 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