Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons

Joth Emberrain

Pronouns: he/him

Refresh: 3


  • High Concept: Dark Elf Prankster
  • Trouble: I prank before I think
  • Wish aspect: Someday, I'll prank the whole town!
  • Other Aspect 1: Principal Smudgeon's always got their eyes on me
  • Other Aspect 2: You'll never make me invisible!


  • 3: Clever
  • 2: Flashy, Sneaky
  • 1: Forceful, Quick
  • 0: Careful


  • You just activated my trap card!: Spend a fate point to declare that you have a prank set up and use Clever to defend against attacks 
  • Plausible Deniability: Once per session, tell a lie that is just plausible enough to divert the attention of authority
  • I know this place: Spend a fate point to declare that you've been to a specified location before.