Rogue | 5
- Low-Light Vision.
- +2 Alchemy, Move Silently, and Escape Artist .
- +1 Poison
Alignment Chaotic Neutral | Size: S | Type:Humanoid
Male | Height: 3 feet | Weight: 70 lbs | Hair: None | Eyes: Brown
Patron Deity: Cyriss
Str 10 - |
Dex 19 +4|
Con 14 +2|
Int 12 +1|
Wis 10 - |
Cha 11 -
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 11 | (+4 Dex, +1 Great Coat)
HP 30 (HD:d6)
Init +4
Speed 25
Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +1
19-20x3 / Range: 80' / P Reload: DC 16, Full Round action (5gp+/- per shot) |
19-20x3 / Range: 80' / P Reload: DC 16, Full Round action (17gp+/- per shot) |
- Light X-bow+7 | 1d6 | 19-20x2 | Range: 80' | P
- Rapier +3 | 1d4 | 18-20x2 | Range: 0' | P
- Dagger +3 | 1d2 | 19-20x2 | Range: 10' | P/S
Base Attack +3 | Grapple +3 (+3 BAB)
- 1st: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Small Arms)
- Daryl 2nd Feat: Dash
- 3rd: Quick Draw
'Rogue Skills
- + 3d6 sneak attack
- Trap sense +1
- Evasion
- Uncanny Dodge
- Bluff +7 (7 ranks)
- Craft(Small Arms) +8 (7 ranks)
- Disable Device +8 (7 ranks)
- Escape Artist +13 (7 ranks)
- Hide +19 (7 ranks)
- Knowledge (Local) +2 (1 ranks)
- Knowledge (Mechankica) +5.2 (4 ranks)
- Move Silently +13 (7 ranks)
- Open Lock +11 (7 ranks)
- Search +8 (7 ranks)
- Slight of Hand +11 (7 ranks)
- Tumble +11 (7 ranks)
Languages: Cygnaran, Mulgar
- Traveler’s Outfit 1 lbs.
- Courtier's Clothes 1 lbs.
- Rapier 1 lbs.
- Great Coat 3 lbs.
- Slip Dagger Harness (With dagger) 1lb.
- Masterwork Radcliff Quad Iron Pistol 4lbs.
- Masterwok Clockwerk Arms Pepperbox 3lbs.
- Backpack; 2# (9# with contents);
- Crossbow Light 3 lbs
- 13 bolts 2.5 lbs
- Thief’s Tools 1 lb.
- Waterskin (Water) 3 lbs.
- 2 bullet packages for Quadiron 1.5 lbs.
- 2 rounds for Clockwerk
- 1 standard arcane accumulator
- Perception Drink
Total Load: 16 lbs | Load: 33 | 66 | 100
GP: 2793 gold
History: The son of a successful merchant family, Dook left his family to avoid the family business. Curious about mechanika he apprenticed at a small clockwork shop and subtly borrowed items to examine in his own time. He learned a fair bit of the workings of small devices, but his indiscretions were found out and he lost his position. He learned to further his skullduggery on the streets and eventually liberated a high quality hand gun from an inebriated noble. He spent several weeks disassembling and reassembling the weapon and learning to fire it, but before he could begin a life as a roguish pistoleer his hideout was raided, although he managed to escape his prized weapon was returned to its owner. Decided that anything as valuable as a gun would need to be purchased if he didn't want a repeat of his earlier issues, he opted to join a mercenary crew of adventurers to try and earn the money to acquire a mechanickal weapon of his own.