Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons

Tirotin (ECL9)


Divinist 9
NE Medium human
<--- Transposed 9th and 10th level abilities for fun. --->
Init -1; Senses: Listen +5, Spot +5

AC: 18; Touch: 9; Flat-footed: 17
(+8 armor; +1 shield; -1 dex)
HP: 59 (9d6+27)
Fort: +5, Ref +2, Will +11

Speed: 20' (30' without armor)
Melee: Heavy Mace +4 (1d8-1, 20×2)
Melee: Touch Spell +3
Ranged: Light Crossbow +4 (1d8, 20×2)
Ranged: Sling +3 (1d4-1, 19×2)
Ranged: Ranged Touch Spell +3
Space: 5'; Reach: 5'; BAB: +4; Grapple: +3

Divinist Spells CL9 DC 17+lvl
Close 45' [10] Medium 190' Long 760'

  • Domains
    • Madness Insanity score of 4. Add 4 to Wis for bonus spells and DCs. Subtract 4 from Wis-based skills and Will save. 1/day may add 4 to a Wis-based skill or Will save.
    • Knowledge All Knowledge skills are class skills; +1 caster level for divination spells.
    • Pride Reroll 1s for saving throws. Must take second result, even if a 1.

Abilities Str 9 -1 | Dex 8 -1 | Con 14 +2 | Int 16 +3 | Wis 20 +5 | Cha 10 +0
Feats Improved Toughness; Scribe Scroll; Skill Focus (Knowledge-religion)Daryl; Appraise Magic Value; DiligentDaryl; Leadership; Extend Spell?.
Skills Appraise +11; Bluff +3; Concentration +13; Decipher Script +7; Heal +9; Knowledge (Religion) +15; Knowledge (Arcane) +12; Knowledge (History) +13; Knowledge (Mechanicka, Dungeoneering, geography, local [cygnar], nature, architecture, nobility) +6; Knowledge (Planes) +9; Knowledge (Tactics) +11; Spellcraft +14
Items Owl of Wisdom +2 Languages: Cygnaran, Llaelese, High Tordoran (spoken)

Imbue with Spell (Su): 2/day. Imbue one fetched (not domain) to recipient, 9 hours duration. Costs one spell slot and cannot spon cast that spell until it's spent by the recipient. Caster level is 9 but the DC is calculated by the recipient's Wisdom.