Drinking & Dragons

John Starr/Session Notes

From Drinking and Dragons

1 We Meet Our Hero

Starring: Captain John Starr (John K.), Dr. Zerakin (Jason), H8R (Randy), and Silver Snake (Ryan)
Guest Starring: Mind reading alien companion of Silver Snake; Admiral
Challenge: Learning our way through training.
Location: G.R.O.U.P. training base; Heading to outpost 48X
Date Played: 18 April 2016

Learning Annex

H8R: I have been assigned by Dr Zerakin as the protocol droid to the newly minted Captain John Starr. His planet is under threat and G.R.O.U.P. has decided to defend the planet for unknown political reasons. Upon his arrival it is obvious to me that like most recruits, he is young for his species. I know that I've killed many his age back when I was a battle droid.

Oh, to be demoted into the chassis of a protocol droid. In my frustration I try to punch the wall and only injure my own already worn rotors. I'm not even a new protocol droid.

I lead Starr to the Learning Annex and introduce him to a couple of pilots there. One of the pilots, a talented but cocky fellow by the name of Silver Snake starts making a fuss. Were I the captain I would've made a bloody example out of him. Instead I remind Starr that one of his words sounds like an extremely vulgar phrase that is never uttered.

Starr and Snake begin the training simulation, one with a chip on his shoulder and the other with a sense of awe and amazement. The battle starts off in Snake's favor but by the end he is schooled by Starr.

The admiral calls a meeting and pointedly excludes me. It would seem that allegedly killing a family member of hers has earned me his enmity. Never mind the details that came out in the trial.

Approaching Outpost 48X

H8R: Our mission to Outpost 48X is routine. It is a chance for Starr to cut his teeth with real space travel and a light command. We find the outpost has no power and no activity. We were expecting a bustling space port. Dr Zerakin overclocks the sensors to get a "more accurate reading" which tips off the enemy forces to our precise location.

Enemy ships begin firing at us. As we respond I examine the screens and recognize both Globtron and Tyrantron ships—working together! We're doomed. I try to grab a phaser rifle and my restraining bolt jolts it right out of my hand!

2 Engage the Enemy

Starring: Captain John Starr (John K.), Dr. Zerakin (Jason), H8R (Randy), and Silver Snake (Ryan)
Guest Starring:
Challenge: Battle with the combined forces of Globtrons and Tyranatrons
Location: Outpost 48X; Battle montage over a year and a half; Gamma Epsilon 353
Date Played: 25 April 2016

Battle of Outpost 48X

H8R: We learn quickly that in addition to the Globtrons and Tyrantrons working together, they also have new tech that allows their ships to phase out. In addition to that the station has been outfitted with an anti-weapon field that inhibits our weapons. Now the rest of our ship knows what I feel like.

Starr shows that he is made of sterner stuff than most of us realized. This battle leads us to many more as over the next year and half our squad is assigned increasingly dangerous missions. However during that time we do not ever see the Globtrons and Tyrantrons working together again.

Investigate Gamma Epsilon 353

H8R: The admiral tells us that there may be a broadcast station on a remote outpost and she wants us to investigate it. The planet, Gamma Epsilon 353, is a high temperature planet (40°-60°C).

When we land on the planet Dr Zerakin secures the torpedoes while I find a safe frequency for our radios. Soon we encounter a building with a broadcast dish and strange creatures on the roof. We use Silver Snake's ship as a distraction and lo and behold the creatures spit acid at the ship and destroy it.

Once inside we find the hallways layered with screens showing propaganda being spewed from a tentacled alien. Dr Zerakin manages to get the floorplans—1st floor is recording studios, 2nd is barracks, and 3rd is a main office.

We start with the recording studio, where we find a couple of Globtron and Tyranatrons making a broadcast together, calling out fleet movements of both of their forces, as well as G.R.O.U.P. forces. In another room we find the topic of the broadcast is philosophy.

Next we travel up to the office where we encounter the tentacled-faced mastermind. He knows each of us and calls us out by name. He tells us to call him "Rogue Thought". He flickers and fades, as holographic villains do while the dishes of the facility activate, sending out signal after signal.

The battlefields of space are in chaos. Globtron battles Tyranatron battles G.R.O.U.P. "Rogue Thought" reveals to us that his plans is to see them all fall.