Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons

Racial Abilities: Lowlight Vision
Alignment: N | Size: T | Type:Magical Beast (Augmented Animal) (Dragonblood)

Drakken Goshawk
Abilities Str 6{10} +0 | Dex 17{21} +5 | Con 10{14} +2 | Int 8 -1 | Wis 14 +2 | Cha 6 -2


AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17 | (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +2 size)
HP 66 , Raging HP 94
Init +3
Speed 10' / fly 60' (avg)
Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +11


  • Talons +16 | 1d4 | Crit 20/*2 | P/S
  • Fire Breath 15' Cone | 1d6+6 | Ref 15 half | 1/hr

Base Attack +9/+4 | Grapple +5 (+9 BAB, +5 dex,-8Sz)


  • 1st: Weapon Finesse


Languages: Common, Draconic, Orc

Special Abilities

  • Natural Armor Improvement +3
  • Improved evasion
  • Share spells
  • Empathic link
  • Speak with master

Alter Self Forms

  • Ash Rat [mm2 24] Small; 40'/20' climb; +1 natural; bite 1d4; +8 racial (take 10)climb, +8 hide in smoke/fog
  • Beguiler [ss 60] Small; 30'/10' climb; claws(2) 1d3 & bite 1d3 & wpn; rake 1d3, Multiattack; +8 (take 10)climb, +8 hide
  • Blood Hawk [ff 22] Small; 10'/80' fly(avg); +2 natural; Claw{2} 1d3 & Bite 1d4; Wounding; +8 racial spot
  • Darkmantle [mm 38] Small; 30' Fly(poor); +6 natural; slam (1d4); Improved Grab, Constrict; +4 racial hide, listen, spot
  • Shadow Asp [ff 152] Tiny; 30'/10' climb; +2 natural; Bite ; Poison; +10 racial hide, +5 listen, +5 spot, +8 (take 10)climb
  • Shocker Lizard [mm] Small; 40'/20' climb/20' swim; +3 natural; bite (1d4); +4 Hide, +2 Listen, +2 Spot, +8 climb (take 10), +8 swim (take 10)