Drinking & Dragons

RPM:Face/Bukir Sokolov

From Drinking and Dragons
  • Discovered by Alexis in the basement of the Ivory Elephant along with Magalie during the Swamp Sillage in the Senate.
  • Is the Ambassador from Condrol
  • Feigned ignorance of how to load a pistol
  • Has diplomatic immunity
  • Appreciated being rescued by the party
  • At the Lussier Estate Dinner Party, gave Ildefons a moderately sized cheque to help his political race.
  • Asked Mandrot if he wanted a chance to get back into the good graces of Condrol. Mandrot declined.
  • Attempted to escape the city with Magalie but was captured.
    • Insists that Magalie was kidnapping him
  • Interrogated by the party
    • Forced to take "not truth serim" and confessed a lot of information
    • Forced to sign this confession
  • Is working with the Arkstone government to provide false information to Condrol.