Marco Malatesta

See also Backstory.
Fighter 1 | HP 13
Lawful Good Dwarf
Height: 4' 1" | Age: 210 | Weight: 200
Hair: Dark Brown | Eyes: Grey/Slate | Skin: Ruddy, flushed
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Terran, Undercommon
Ability Scores
Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Inteligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 5
Armor Class
Regular AC: 20 = 10 + 5 (Armor) + 4 (Shield) + 1 (Dex)
Touch AC: 11 = 10 + 1 (Dex)
Flat-Foot: 19 = 10 + 5 (Armor) + 4 (Shield)
Armor: Scale Mail (+5 AC | Medium | Mex Dex 3 | ACP -4)
Shield: Tower Shield (+4 AC | Mex Dex 2 | ACP -10)
Saving Throws
Fortitude: +6
Reflex +2
Willpower: +3
Combat Statistics
BAB 1 Spell Resistance 6
CMB 3 CMD 15
Dwarven Double Waraxe | +4 to hit | x3 Crit | Slashing | 1d10 + 3 | Special: +2 to hit on all attacks other than first when using cleave or great cleave |
Power Attack: -1 to hit for +2 to damage, or +3 when two-handing
Cleave: As a standard action, make a single attack at full BAB. If it hits, another attack may be made against a foe adjacent to the first and within reach. -2 to AC until next turn
Trained Skills
Climb +7
Knowledge (Geography) +3
Perception +7
Sense Motive +4
Glory of Old: +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilites, and poison.
Militant Merchant: +1 trait bonus on Perception checks made to determine surprise, and Perception is a class skill.
High Aspect: The Walking Mountain of Torag
Trouble Aspect: Loves his lawless family
Gold: 153.64
Tower Shield
Scale Mail
Dwarven Double Waraxe
Explorer's Outfit