GPCFBRPGN:2 E1S2 Life is a Carnival
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Starring: Blink,
Guest Starring: Markov Goldbane, Elspeth Malatyne
Challenge: [Encounter 1] Hellhound, Goblin Shaman, Wibble ×3; [Encounter 2] Dwarf Tamer, Traps ×3, Thrulls ×4
Location: Ashburg, Durell
Date Played: 2018 December 04

GM Play notes
GM: The players try to hide form the orc bounty on their heads in a small village that, unbeknownst to them, is going to be hosting Hell's Carnival. The group has their first taste of rolling non-stop 1s, and eventually end up in the clutches of Elspeth Malatyne.
- Group tries to lay low
- Foster is OK
- Blink gets her hand stuck in amber when trying to open Malatyne's luggage
- Gideon has some gland issues
- Markov noticed Foster after they fail to exit the town
- Enter running horse/cart gag
- Drug to Hell's Carnival
- Blink and Gideon get fixed
- Things go very, very wrong
- [Encounter 1]
- Foster missing
- Blink and Gideon eventually find a way to find Foster and make their way to Malatyne's Estate
- [Encounter 2]
- All three escape the Estate and vow some sort of revenge.
Player Notes
Foster: Okay, so, this episode was buckwild. We went to Hell's Carnival! I got kidnapped and almost enslaved! The group decided on the main villain, for a little while! For real, though, Malatyne's house is creepy af. The twisted face underneath the mask? Great. Scary. Loved it.
I also want to recognize this episode for laying the groundwork for future events - Malatyne, obviously, but also introducing Markov. Establishing the team as able to work separately, but better together. The first time the individuals on the team risks their own safety to help another member. And, of course, shoving the players halfway around the world with no way to get back.