User:Wizardoest/PCs/Agofon Warbullion/Spells
From Drinking and Dragons
Concentration Check +21 (+15 caster level, + 4 Int, +2 Focused Mind trait)
You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability when casting on the defensive or while grappled.
Spell List
Familiar Scorpion, Master gains a +2 bonus on initiative rolls
- 8th—1
- Save DC 22
- Concentration check: DC 30
- Horrid Wilting (Nec)
- Spon Cure Serious Wounds, Mass 15 creatures w/i 30', 3d8+15 [max +30]
- 7th—2
- Save DC 21
- Concentration check: DC 29
- Arcane Sight, Greater
- Chain Lightning 15d6, 15 targets
- Heal 150hp
- Waves of Exhaustion
- Patron Circle of Clarity (Abj) 100
- SponCure Moderate Wounds, Mass 15 creatures w/i 30', 2d8+15 [max +30]
- 6th—3
- Save DC 20
- Concentration check: DC 27
- Swarm Skin
- Mass Suggestion
- Unwilling Shield 250
- Heroism, Greater
- Patron Cloak of Dreams (Ench)
- Spon CLW, mass 15 creatures w/i 30', 1d8+15 [max +25]
- 5th—4
- Save DC 19
- Concentration check: DC 25
- Prying Eyes (Div),
- Magic Jar (Nec) 100
- Cloudkill (Conj)
- Suffocation (Nec)
- Teleport (Conj)
- Patron Dream (Illu)
- Spon CCW, 4d8+15 (max +20)
- 4th—4+1 Int
- Save DC 18
- Concentration check: DC 23
- Spite (Abj) 250
Touch spell of 4th or lower
- Fear (Illu)
- Dim Door (Conj)
- Arcane Eye (Div)
- Threefold Aspect (Trans) 5
Standard action to switch between Young Adult (+2 Dex/Con, -2 Wis), Adult (+2 Int/Wis, -2 Dex), and Elderly (+4 Wis/Int, -2 Str/Dex)
- Solid Fog (Conj)
- Patron Wandering star motes (Illu) Target loses concealment, Will save or dazed for 1 round (and save each round), on a passed save the motes move to a new target w/i 30
- Spon CSW, 3d8+15 (max +15)
- 3rd—4+1 Int
- Save DC 17
- Concentration check: DC 21
- Bestow Curse (Nec)
- Share Senses (Div)
- Vampiric Touch (Nec)
- Lightning Bolt (Evoc)
- Glyph of Warding (Abj) 200
- Patron Guiding star (Div)
- 2nd—4+1 for Int
- Save DC 16
- Concentration check: DC 19
- Vomit Swarm (Conj)
- Web (Conj)
- Glitterdust (conj)
- Spectral Hand (Nec)
- Zone of Truth (Ench)
- Patron Dust of twilight Kills < 2lvl lights, Fort save or Fatigued, 10' spread
- Spon CMW, 2d8+10
- 1st—4+1 for Int
- Save DC 15
- Concentration check: DC 17
- Beguiling Gift (Ench)
- Reduce Person (Trans)
- Mage Armor (Abj)
- Obs Mist (Conj)
- Identify (Div)
- Mount (Conj)
- Ill Omen (Ench) Disadvanatge for 3 d20 rolls
- Burning Hands (Evoc)
- Enlarge Person (Trans)
- Comprehend Languages
- Patron Faerie Fire
- Spon CLW, 1d8+5
- 1st
- Theft Ward Single object, +10 perception to notice someone trying to take it. (50 charges)
- 2nd
- CMW, 2d8+4 per charge (50 charges)
- 4th
- Scrying (Div)
- Neutralize Poison (Conj)
- CCW, 4d8+7
- 3rd
- Fly (Trans) 60' for 5 min
- Share Senses (Div)
- 2nd
- Web (Conj)
- Web (Conj)
- Alter Self (Trans)
- Alter Self (Trans)
- False Life (Nec) +1d10+4 temp hp
- 1st
- Obs Mist (Conj)
- Comprehend Languages
- 1st
- Sanctuary (Abj)
- Protection from Evil (Abj)
- 2nd
- Hide from Undead (Abj)
- 3rd
- CSW 3d8+5
- 4th
- Water breathing (Trans)
- Tongues (Div)
- Feather tokens
- Feather Token, Whip (2)
- Feather Token, Tree (2)
- Feather Token, Bird (2)
- Feather Token, Anchor (2)