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DC = d20 + 5 + spell level

Spells per day

0 - 3
1 - 5
2 - 4
3 - 3
4 - 1


Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Know Direction You discern north.
Light Object shines like a torch.
Mage Hand 5-pound telekinesis.
Songbird (SpC p195) +1 to charisma checks with those that hear you perform.
Stick (SpC p206) Stick affixes one object weighing up to 5 pounds to another object. The two items can be separated with even a small amount of force, such as a wind stronger than 10 mph, a mage hand or unseen servant spell, or a move action by any corporeal creature (which provokes attacks of opportunity).


Feather Fall Objects or creatures fall slowly.
Inspirational Boost (SpC p124) The bonuses granted by your inspire courage ability increase by 1.
Ironthunder Horn (SpC p126) 30 foot cone make Ref DC d20+6 or fall prone.
Targeting Ray Ranged touch +8. You and allies are +3 to hit against subject for 10 rounds.


Dark Way (SpC p58) 10(11) rounds. Creates temporary unbreakable bridge supporting up to 2000(2200) lb. 5 feet wide and 200(210) feet long.
Heartfire (SpC p112) 50 foot range. 10(11) rounds. Subject outlined by fire and negates concealment. Takes 1d4 fire per round. Fort DC d20+7 for half damage (save only when spell first cast).
Mirror Image Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +3).
Sonic Weapon (SpC p195) 10(11) minutes. Weapon deals an extra 1d6 sonic damage.


Confusion (PHB p212) 10(11) rounds. Subjects behave oddly. See chart in book. 200(210) foot range. 15 foot radius. Will DC d20+8 negates.
Cure Serious Wounds Heal 3d8+10(11) damage with a touch.
Dissonant Chord (SpC p69) Creatures (other than you) in a 10 foot radius centered around you take 5d8 points of sonic damage. Fort DC d20+8 half.
Puppeteer (SpC p163) 10(11) rounds. You force the subject to mimic your actions. The subject matches your motions exactly, though it takes a –4 penalty to Dexterity and Strength. Its movements look awkward, and its actions aren’t as effective as if it were actually doing them itself. You can try o make the subject commit a suicidal act, but it receives another Will save to break the spell. If that save is successful, the subject collapses, helpless and in a comatose state, for 1d4 rounds. Will DC d20+8 negates.


Sirine's Grace (SpC p191) 10(11) rounds. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma (net +2) and Dexterity (full +4), a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier (net +5), and a +8 bonus on Perform checks (net +9). You also gain a swim speed of 60 feet and the ability to breathe water. You can move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing or bludgeoning weapons.
Resonating Bolt (SpC p174) 60 foot line. 10d4 sonic damage. Ref DC d20+9 half.