Drinking & Dragons

Wild:59 Portals

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 13:57, 27 April 2011 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs) (Most of TskTsk's, will add more another time)

Starring: Fuelwen-icon.gif Fuelwen"Water", Pirate.gif Brilla"Air", Bo-icon.gif Bo"Fire", and Tsktsk-icon.gif TskTsk"Earth"
Guest Starring: Callow, Kordrik, Leara(Tiefling)"Negative", Barghest Guide "Positive"
Challenge: Bickering, Moral quandries
Location: Sigil, diving in and out of other planes
Date Played: 26 Apr 2010

Leaving the Labyrinth

Tsktsk-icon.gif TskTsk: We are led by our defeated foe to an area filled with tents and mammals, ringed by stone walls covered with thorny, tentacle-slicing leaves. The mammals are the Celestians we have been seeking out, and there are only 17 of them. The cower before us, which confuses the clutch mother, however Fuelwen and I understand that they hide like prey. We are apparently the first outsiders to visit them—ever.

A gray-skinned humanoid with goat horns floats over towards us, warning us that we must leave for the Lady of Pain is coming. Apparently she can kill things with her mind. I am unconvinced but I allow myself to be coerced into leaving, with the Celestians in tow.

Sadie von Masoch leads us to an exit and it's obvious a favorite of hers. I jump through the thorny plants and emerge torn up on the other side in a city.

Sigil, the city of doors

Tsktsk-icon.gif TskTsk: The Celestians exit the portal on death's door. Our elder calls upon his gifts to heal their wounds. As everyone does a headcount I go to the end of the alley and find a drunk tiefling woman and wake her. For coin she helps to guide us to an inn by the name of Planars. The place has a halfling feel to it, with a single common room on the second floor.

Some of the locals strike up a conversation with me on the topic of power and struggle and competition. Splat hovers/rolls over and is equally as interested. The group is called the Harmonium and they fight against the "bad guy", as Splat would say. Might makes right with them and that resonates well with me.

Guide us to the evil portals

Tsktsk-icon.gif TskTsk: Our original guide finds us a better one, for a fee. The new guide, who the elder dubs "Positive", can lead us to all of the evil planes we need to find.




Gehanna and the Gray Waste

Tsktsk-icon.gif TskTsk: Surprisingly easy and lacking noteworthy comments.


The Abyss




My session sketch. --Randy (Talk) 01:53, 27 April 2011 (UTC)
