L:3 I have come to rescue you
Starring: Dario, Thaddeus, Tarralon, Nict, and introducing Malyth
Guest Starring: Eliam Brody (Cleric of Belinos); Scythe man (name unknown); Sala (unconscious)
Challenge: Pit trap that everyone jumped into; Scythe man with Assybah's handmaiden and zombies
Location: Tomb
Date Played: 14 Aug 2011
Malyth Caused a chain reaction in the hall with the exploding skeletons, though he did hurt his allies in the process. Giving Eliam Brody the potion found last week, he attempted to repent for his actions in the proccess.
Thaddeus made liberal but borderline ineffective use of the Disrupt Undead spell.
Malyth In a heroic attempt to save his friends from almost certain death, Malyth flung himself into the pit trap, after securing a rope with a piton in the wall behind him. After stopping within inches of the spikes at the bottom in a nipple-bruising jerk, he managed to provide a line for his friends - and himself- to climb back up on.
Malyth, also believing that the best way to deal with the mysterious necromancer, poisoned him. Hopefully, there were severial doses of Nightshade in the drink that the scythe-weilding enemy consumed, and it will cripple him. Now he must face Dario, the paladin. While poison use was regretable, it was neccesary.
The scythe man did manage to bring Malyth down, but he was returned to conciousness by Nict, using Malyth's only remaining potion. All the while, Nict destroyed the candles in the corners in the room, which had some effect on the necromancer. What effect that was is still unclear, but it did help to sway the tide of the battle in our favor.
Though the necromancer managed to escape, Malyth did deal massive amount of damage to him with his touch, spending all of his remaining spells in shocking grasp and one Grease. Hopefully, when next they meet, Malyth can finish the battle that he helped to start.
Dario: We have decided to next seek out civilization in the hopes that a healer may cure Sala of her poison.