Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons

Undeclared locations

  • Gates (that break and allows the demi-planes in)
  • Library of Bignon

Undeclared Contintent(s)

Eben (Country)

  • Home of the first Wildbloods
  • Civilization nearly overrun by a nature demi-plane

Palimar (Country)

  • Started the Zodiac War

Hallbeirge (Continent)

Arkstone (Country)

  • Lisway (City)
    • Home of the Sorcier
    • Dorchen castle
    • By the Ocean

Condrol (Country)

  • Former "Breadbasket of the world"
  • Mount Vili (on Condrol and Parlimain border)
    • Mystic Gate in which the Lost Adventurers traveled

Parlimain (Country)

  • Undead revolution, lead by Arvad the Bloody

Erthil (Country)

  • Controls Condrol
  • Mistara (City)

Kirkush (Continent/Country)

Mahakala (Captial)

  • Founded by the ancient dragon Mahakala'as'saroud
  • Port city. Sits between the oceans and the mountains.
  • The royal family resides here.
  • Home of the great Crystal Rose Gardens.

Al Hatin (City)

Herezar (City)

Adehi (City)

  • Port city on the river of Nusasil.

Latadsaya (City)

  • Secondary port city. Sits on the other side of the country from Mahakala.

Qarout (City)

  • Known for the highly specialized form of magic.

Al Fahuk (City)

Tal Kasrah (City)

Ihnadh (City)

  • Built into the side of a great plateau, this city is known for The Vault, a precious library full of ancient tomes and knowledge.

Zakhona (City)

El Alasan (City)

  • Most of the continent's horses are bred and raised here.
