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Sorcerer 5 / Dragonheart Mage RotD 8 (ECL 13)
Race: Human (Dragonblood)
Alignment: CG | Size: M
Patron Deity: Mystra/Bahamut
Abilities Str 10 +0 | Dex 12 +1 (14 +2) | Con 14 +2 (16 +3) | Int 10 +1 | Wis 10 +0 | Cha 17 +3 (21 +5)


AC: 16 / Touch: 12, Flatfooted: 14
(+2 Dex; +4 armor [Mage Armor])

HP: 103 / HD: 5d4+8d6+39+16

Initiative: +2 / Speed: 30'

Fort: 10 / Reflex: 5 / Will: 10

+8 vs magic sleep/paralysis effects and cold spells/abilities
Resist/24 cold


  • Unarmed +6/+1 / 1d3 / 20x2 / b
  • Touch +6 Ranged Touch +7

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Base Attack: +6/+1


  • Human: Draconic Heritage (Silver) (RotD, p102)
    You gain the dragonblood subtype. Choose one kind of dragon from the list in the accompanying table. This is your draconic heritage, which can only be changed by undergoing the Rite of Draconic Affinity (see page 59). Half-dragons must choose the same dragon kind as their dragon parent.

When you declare your draconic heritage, you gain the skill indicated on the table as a sorcerer class skill. In addition, you gain a bonus equal to the number of draconic feats you have on saving throws against magic sleep and paralysis effects, as well as on saves against spells and abilities with a descriptor that matches the corresponding entry in the accompanying table.

  • 1st: Draconic Toughness (RotD, p105)
    When you take this feat, you gain 2 hit points for each draconic feat you have, including this one. Whenever you take a new draconic feat, you gain 2 more hit points.
  • S2: Draconic Power (PHB, p99)
    Your caster level increases by one, and you add 1 to the save DC of all arcane spells with the descriptor or subschool associated with your draconic heritage.
  • 3rd: Draconic Bloodline (DragMag, #311)
    Your ancestry gives you a bonus spell known at each spell level, starting at 1st, according to the following list.

• 1. Comprehend languages • 2. Darkvision • 3. Protection from elements • 4. Fear • 5. Mind fog • 6. True seeing • 7. Vision • 8. Mind blank • 9. Dominate monster

  • DHM1: Draconic Breath (BoED, p45)
    As a standard action, you can convert an arcane spell slot into a breath weapon. The breath weapon is a 30-foot cone of cold that deals 2d8 points of damage per level of the spell slot you expended to create the effect. Any creature in the area can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + level of the spell used + your Cha modifier) for half damage. This is a supernatural ability.
  • 6th: Piercing Cold (PHB, p92)
    You can only apply this metamagic feat to spells with the cold descriptor. Piercing cold spells are so horribly cold that they are capable of damaging creatures normally unharmed by or resistant to cold. Piercing cold spells completely ignore any resistance to cold a creature possesses, bypassing this resistance and dealing damage to the target as if it did not possess any resistance to cold at all. They are still entitled to whatever other defenses the attack allows (such as saving throws and spell resistance).

Creatures normally immune to cold can be damaged by piercing cold spells as well. Piercing cold spells deal half damage to these creatures (or one-quarter on a successful saving throw).

For example, Mialee casts a piercing cold cone of cold at a night hag, a creature normally immune to cold. She makes her level check to penetrate the night hag’s spell resistance, but the night hag makes her Refl ex save against the spell. Mialee rolls the dice, and her cone of cold deals 42 points of cold damage; since the night hag made her save, the damage is halved to 21 points. This damage is then halved again (since the night hag is normally immune to cold), and 10 points of cold damage are actually dealt to the night hag, who is both shocked and enraged at this unexpected turn of events.

Creatures with the cold subtype can tell that a piercing cold spell is colder than normal, but they remain undamaged by the attack.

Creatures with the fire subtype who are damaged by a piercing cold spell take double normal damage instead of the usual +50%.

A piercing cold spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.

  • DHM2: Draconic Senses (DrM, p17)
    You gain low-light vision and a bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks equal to the number of draconic feats you have. You also gain darkvision out to 60 feet and blindsense out to 20 feet.
  • DHM4: Draconic Legacy (RotD, p104)
    Based on your draconic heritage, add the spells noted on the accompanying table to your list of spells known. Each spell is added at the spell level where a spellcaster normally gains it unless otherwise indicated.
  • 9th: Draconic Aura: Power (DrM, p16)
    You and your allies within a 30 foot radius gain a +2 bonus to beat spell and power resistance.
  • 12VoP: Empower Spell (PHB, p93)
    All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by one-half. An empowered spell deals half again as much damage as normal, cures half again as many hit points, affects half again as many targets, and so forth, as appropriate. For example, an empowered magic missile deals 1-1/2 times its normal damage (roll 1d4+1 and multiply the result by 1-1/2 for each missile). Saving throws and opposed rolls (such as the one you make when you cast dispel magic) are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. An empowered spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.


Languages: Common, Draconic

Special Abilities

Dragonheart Mage

  • Draconic Breath (Su): At 1st level, you gain the Draconic Breath feat. As a dragonheart mage, you realize some additional benefi ts from taking this feat. As stated in the feat description on page 102, you can use a standard action to change arcane spell energy into a breath weapon that deals 2d6 points of damage per level of the spell that you expend. As you gain levels in this prestige class, however, the amount of damage you can deal increases.

At 6th level, your breath weapon deals 2d8 points of damage per level of the spell you give up.

At 10th level, your breath weapon deals 3d6 points of damage per level of the spell you give up.