Drinking & Dragons

A talk:PC/Utu Pratalong

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 08:02, 3 May 2009 by >Mqs

Truenamer looks much better than I remember. For his first power I'd recommend Word of Nurturing for some good cross utility and damage potential at start. Also, it's a good one for after combat healing. Skill focus: truespeak is a feat that would come very in handy since the DC to use a truespeak is 15 + (2 * CR). Also, the law of resistance (p 233) is pretty brutal, reinforcing the need for that feat.

Word of Nurturing is precisely what I had in mind for his first Utterance, as it is the best one by far. It also means that as long as you survive and win encounters he'll be able to heal the group to full. If that proves unbalancing (likely) I may restrict the fast healing to only heal until not bloodied. My plan for his feat progression is for him to take a dual skill feat in Truespeak and then start working on all the Elorii bloodline feats. --Randy (Talk) 02:09, 3 May 2009 (UTC)
Not true. Don't forget about this little gem that Truespeaking has, as Eric already mentioned:

THE LAW OF RESISTANCE The first time you speak a particular utterance, you calculate the DC as described under Speaking a Truename on page 232. However, the universe tends to resist being manipulated with Truespeak repeatedly in a short period of time, so each time you successfully speak the same utterance in a day, the DC of your Truespeak check for that utterance increases by 2. If you fail a Truespeak check, however, the DC does not increase on your next attempt of that utterance.

So even starting off, it'll be a DC21 Truespeak check for the first use of it per day, then it ill be 23, 25, 27, etc. It will very quickly be unaccomplishable. And that's assuming he doesn't use it offensively. Each healing use also only heals 5 HP of damage (across 5 rounds). These two laws (the other one says you can't re-use an utterance until the active copy of it completes) are probably the biggest reason why truenaming sucks. --Mqs 15:01, 3 May 2009 (UTC)