Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
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Joseph Padalecki.jpg

Joseph.gif Joseph

High Concept: Spy with a Love for Yogurt
Trouble: Out of Touch

Backhand Swing and a Miss! Abusive from father, loving mother, escape from home life by getting into trouble and eventually joining the army.
Focused to a Purpose Running off to the military at 17 gave Joseph discipline and harnessed his energies towards a purpose. He excelled.
Doing the Right Thing is Costly While serving as intelligence in Afghanistan he was forced to do some hard things, but he drew the line at bombing a cluster of innocent civilians in a marketplace just to get one man.
Snap Judgement OR (from Joseph) While walking through the dairy section at your local super market you got a tingling on the back of you neck, you quickly hid inside the staff door and watched as that huge man you had an encounter with walked past you (Amiri). He doesn't look dangerous, but you never know.


  • post alternate identity below
  • important possessions
  • select languages
  • fill out adversary



Strength 1 — Dexterity 2 — Constitution 2 — Intelligence 4 — Perception 4 — Willpower 5+1=6


Vital Essence 48 — Speed 8 — Energy Essence 29
Consciousness/Survival 6 — Initiative 4


  • Acting 1
  • Bureaucracy 2
  • Computer Hacking 2
  • Dodge 2
  • Guns (Handgun) 1
  • Language (Which?) 1
  • Language (Which?) 1
  • Language (Which?) 1
  • Lock Picking (Mechanical) 1
  • Notice 3
  • Occult Knowledge* 1
  • Smooth Talking 4


Adversary (WHO?) -- 1 point
DETAILS PLEASE. 1 Point is a not-powerful individual.
Body Double
You have an evil twin (or look-alike) out there, related to your career somehow.
Disgraced (Burn Notice)
You have a poor reputation with the relevant group, suffering a -1 penalty to influence tasks and possibly other tasks involving them. Any who know of this may react unfavorably with the same penalty.
Honorable -- Mild
Do not lie, betray friends or loved ones or anyone you respect. Others, particularly those disliked, are fair game.
Anchor, Greater (Joe) with a zero-point very, very large distance (1000 feet from Joseph).
When the Spirit is away from the Anchor, she loses 1 Essence Point per minute and this loss cannot be regained until the Ghost returns to the Anchor point. After the Ghost's Energy Essence is depleted, the loss starts affecting her Vital Essence, which may result in Unraveling. (MystCodex71)


As a spirit, you can channel up to your willpower in essence per turn.


Farsight -- 1

Spirit Powers

Spiritus -- 3
This is your skillfulness with activating spirit powers and interacting with the spirit world (MystCodex64).
Spend essence while in spirit form to move objects. Uses Spiritus. More essence for more strength. (MystCodex72)
Life Drain -- 1
Forcibly steal essence from a living being. Dexterity + Spiritus vs dodge to hit. Willpower + Spiritus vs (difficult for non-gifted) willpower, stealing 1 essence per life drain level per success level exceeding defense. Feeding on an entity with no essence permanently drains essence at 1 per level. (MystCodex77)
E Pluribus Unum -- 1
One alternate past life which gets 18 skill points. Detailed above. Takes 10 minutes, 12 essence. (MystCodex91)


Official Identity (No Records)
There are no records of your existence -- birth, passport, credit, employment, anything. This can make living in the modern world difficult, but having no legal identity can have its benefits as well. Travel may be difficult. It is recommended you acquire a fake identity.
Influence (Espionage) -- 1 level
Bonus to social skills with this group, including Pulling Strings.
Hyperlingual -- 1 level
Add the value of this quality to any language skill (even if it is a zero). This may be restricted, such as only applying to standard uses of the language.
Allows the of supernatural powers. Greatly increases the ability to perceive the supernatural.
You are a physical spirit. [Note: RAW has this at 15-point quality; reduced to 10 due to alterations.]
Provides +1 willpower. +10 essence to each. No Endurance points.
See details below.
Resources -- no levels
Average. $9k in property. $1500/month pre-tax.

Special Possessions

Alternate Identity

Spirit Form Details

  • Energy Essence regeneration: willpower/hour (or channeling/minute)
  • Vital Essence regeneration: willpower+channeling/day
  • Spirit form and incarnate form properties are REVERSED. Cannot regain essence while in spirit form; only regain while physical.
    • Unaging.
    • Can achieve spirit form by "dying" again in a painful, traumatic, bloody, messy fashion to evaporate off body. Takes half an hour and costs 25 essence. Requires three simple willpower checks followed by a difficult if any fail or the transformation is aborted. Spiritus + Willpower to complete transformation. Remains in spirit form for one hour plus one per success level. 15 essence per hour to extend. (MystCodex86)
    • p88 to continue calculating physical form stats.
    • Destruction of the physical form will seriously harm Joseph as listed, and he will seek to re-create a physical form as soon as possible. Note that Joseph will only regain essence in physical form -- so he may need to absorb some from spirit form to have enough to create a new body; but it costs him some essence per hour to maintain a spiritual existence.
    • While in spirit form:
      • Invisible and immaterial.
      • More likely to perceive essence and other spirits.
      • Aware of summoning attempts.
      • Gains Tap Essence ghost power.
      • Look up details for vulnerabilities/being attacked while in spirit form.
  • Easier to tap ambient essence.
    • Which may be stored for up to an hour.
  • Evolution: when gained 20 essence from spirit powers taking it from others, lose it and permanently increase maximum of each essence pool.
