Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 21:23, 21 May 2019 by >Askewnotion

Elspeth Malatyne


A dilettante that is also known as The Purple Dragon. Known for her wild parties, enthralled admirers, and vast wealth, she is quickly coming to power in her travels and causes.

Episode 1

  • Was the guest of honor at the Hell's Carnival since she was in town getting lumber for a new summer home.
  • Kidnapped FosterIcon.gif Foster.

Episode 2

  • Sent AumsaIcon.gif Amsah as a gift to protect FosterIcon.gif Foster and watch the group.
  • Allowed the group respite and escape, promising to visit again once they "cool down."

Episode 3

  • Was the topic of the groups research.
    • Looking into the emergence of dragons.
    • Can she really be a dragon?
    • Are there any historic noted for her?


Foster 1

  • FosterIcon.gif Foster was in an ancient war and Elspeth turned into a dragon to carry her into battle.


  • Elspeth had AumsaIcon.gif Amsah in humiliating servitude while FosterIcon.gif Foster fawned over Elspeth.