Drinking & Dragons

Category talk:Vat

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 17:39, 29 May 2012 by >Mqs
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FYI, I'll be missing 6/22. --t3knomanser 21:23, 18 May 2012 (EDT)

How are we handling my attendance? --Wizardoest (Talk) 22:49, 18 May 2012 (EDT)

I'm still checking out roll20, but there's always falling back to Skype. We need to do a test this week. --Mqs 11:15, 19 May 2012 (EDT)

How are skill/trait cost increases calculaed? I had a little trouble finding it in the book. --Askewnotion 20:26, 29 May 2012 (EDT)

There's a "progression" chart in each of the books, and any place where it discusses the cost of buying something it mentions the cost of upgrading it. Usually at the end of the rules chapter. Anything that isn't a skill you already have talk to me first before advancing. --Mqs 20:39, 29 May 2012 (EDT)