A:PC/Jayvin De-gaul/Logsheet
From Drinking and Dragons
Wealth: 1842.66gp
Weapons & Armor (10# [armor doesn't count])
- Chain Shirt +1 (25#)
- Throwing Axes, masterwork (4) (308gp/2#)
- Throwing Axe of Returning (2,308gp/2#)
Darts through the air to return to the thrower, provided the thrower is in the same square that it was thrown from.
Magical Gear
- Troll Gut Rope 50' (Can expand to 250')
- Potions
- Cure Light Wounds (heals 1d8+1 hp)
- Invisibility (2min)
- Spiderclimb (20min)
Mundane Gear (26#)
- Backpack (2gp/2#)
- Bedroll (.1gp/5#)
- Flint & Steel (1gp/0#)
- Rope 50' (1gp/10#)
- Thieves' Tools, masterwork (100gp/2#)
- Crowbar (2gp/5#)
- Grappling Hook (1gp/5#)
- Disguise Kit (50gp/8#) 10 uses
- Saddlebag
- Rations (2) (.5gp@/1#@)
- Noble’s outfit (75 gp/10#)
- Light Horse
- Riding Saddle (30gp/30#)
Blessings & Favors
- Favor of the Church of Hurrian in Enpebyn: Divine spellcasting costs are waived for the PC in the city of Enpebyn, though costly material components will still need to be furnished.
Load: 43/86/130
Total load: 36# Light