Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons

She is Becca's grandmother and is a member of the Honey Pot Tea House and Beekeepers Society.

  • Was at the Honey Pot Tea House when the air elementals attacked during Iran So Far Away.
  • Was revealed to be a witch (sauceror) during Egypted Me Off. Made a plane-shifting brisket.

Brick: MeeMaw is Becca's grandma. Man, she is like the best cook. She makes a really good brisket. At one point, she asked me about Becca & I tried to tell her that nothing was wrong, but she saw through my lie. I told her Becca could use magic & she wasn't surprised at all! We found out she can use magic too in her cooking... which is like the coolest way to use magic EVER!

There is an Audition version of her here.