Drinking & Dragons

IK talk:Stonington

From Drinking and Dragons

Herman: Moderately. I got sick of "What's Missing in this Picture" REALLY fast. That, and Joe's dick jokes got tiring too. I'm not above laughing at a dick joke. I just can't laugh at the same dick joke 30 times in a row.

This is obviously a devious bit of evil dming to make us all think about what we will need and how to undo the posessions.

Let's see, remind me to post the "Majordomo throws a turkey at the Trollkin and knocks him out" to the Best Lines Ever Thread on the Wizards message boards.

Speaking of "Best lines ever", Daryl wanted me to post this link: The best lines ever thread.

I've placed the link on a page in the thread that has more than one of my posts on it. But there are probably a few more posts of mine before that.

I strongly recommend the entire thread as reading material for when you want to cheer up or just as something funny to read.

Especially the exploits of the Infamous Rogue Mage Raz.

And please remind me to re-post the "Turkey Strike" to the message boards on May 16th. The current post won't be kept because of board upgrades. The Turkey Strike, Streamlined and Edited

Randy: I've been enjoying Stonington. I really like the map! Before the next session though, please take a marker and color in the fireplaces to lessen confusion. The "something's missing" bits were a good way to illustrate that there is a puzzle involved in Stonington. And the turkey was great!

"I counter your fatiguing scream by my superb tap dancing!"