Core Ability:Fearsome Presence—You can spend a point of Conviction to inspire fear in his nearest foe as a standard action. The foe must make a successful Will save (Difficulty = 10 + your level + your Intimidate ranks) or be shaken. This condition lasts for one round, plus an additional round for every 5 points by which the save failed.
Standard action; Intimidate roll vs the target's Sense Motive or Will (whichever is higher).
If you succeed, the target pays no attention to anyone other than you. You may maintain the effect by taking a standard action each round, for a maximum number of rounds equal to your skill rank. Any potential threat, such as an ally sneaking up on a fascinated target, grants a new Sense Motive check or Will save. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, automatically breaks the fascination. The fascination ends when you stop maintaining it or the target overcomes it.
Your intense attention to the world around the colony has given you a deep understanding of the area. Falcon gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks within a few miles of the colony.
Psychic Shield (Useable once)
The Warrior blesses you and coats your mind in armor. When you are the target of a power granting a Will saving throw, roll a psychic shield check with a +2 modifier. The attacker must make a power check using the attacking power. If your check result is higher, the power fails. If the attacker’s result is higher, the power affects you normally, but you still get your normal saving throw. Once used it fades away.
Not the only fighter (Useable twice)
Irritated that your scouting party isn't as battle hardened as you would like them to be, you teach them ways to keep out of harm. When used, this ability grants a +2 dodge bonus to your allies who fight the same foe as you for the duration of the combat.