Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons


Population: 68,000 (99% kobold, 1% other)
Government: Theodemocracy
Religion: The Utterdark (unknowingly an aspect of Tharizdun)
Exports: Salt, diamonds, oil, workers, ore

Surrounding Islands: Lumber, exotic produce, medicine

Imports: Livestock, Grain
Alignment: CN, N, LN

Temnyi is an island with a desert landscape, though to call it a wasteland would be more accurate. The island is unique in that there is always strong, cumulous cloud front hovering over the island, blocking out the sun. Coupled with that fact that during the day temperatures range from 55C during the day to -7C at night, the island is not fit for most forms of life. One form that thrives, though, is a hardy group of kobolds.

Though the surface of the island is barren, the depths of the island is where most of the inhabitants survive. Inside a large series of caves, the populace grows life sustaining lichens and some underground springs provide fine farms for raising fish. On the surface, the kobolds have perfect the art of gathering moisture from the clouds above though not a single drop of rain gathers on the island.

To what some say is a curse, the inhabitants of the island call the darkness that covers the island a blessing. It is legend that if the darkness were ever to fall from the island, a great beast would rise from the sands to devour the island, would drink the seas dry, and then continue until all life in the world is exhausted. To perpetuate this darkness, an artifact called the Gem of Utterdark is placed upon a sacred site in the center of the island, deep within the caves.

Though Temnyi is surrounded by many smaller islands, two are large enough to be of note. These islands are called Minkya and Bestroi. These islands receive a lot of the rainfall that is produced from Temnyi, making them a very fertile, tropical landscape. Kobolds that lack the knack for mining or moisture farming are often sent here to work the land to gather fruits and vegetables and create medicines.

This rainfall caused by the clouds often makes traveling the seas around Temnyi dangerous and not for the inexperienced. There is an especially dangerous area called the Merchant's Folly. It is known to have the most swings in intensity of rainfall and wind, though these swings often very severe. Only someone very familiar with the island or with copious amounts of luck would dare travel through that area.