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Magus of the Starry Host 2 / Focused Diviner 2 (ECL 1)
Race: Kelekene Elorii (Fire Elorii)
Alignment: CG | Size: M
Patron Deity: Mârok, Osalían, Keleos, Beröe, Belisarda
Abilities Str 8 -1 | Dex 14 +2 | Con 12 +1 | Int 21 +5 | Wis 10 +0 | Cha 10 +0 | AP 7


AC: 12{16} / Touch: 12, Flatfooted: 10{14}
(+2 Dex, {+4 mage armor})

HP: 19 (Bloodied 9) / HD: 4d4+4+2

Initiative: +2+1d2 / Speed: 30'

Fort: 2 / Reflex: 3 / Will: 4


  • Touch +1 Ranged Touch +4

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Base Attack: +2


  • 1st: Silent Spell (PHB, p100)
    A silent spell can be cast with no verbal components. Spells without verbal components are not affected. A silent spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
  • WB1: Scribe Scroll
  • WB1: Obtain Familiar
  • 3rd: Escew Materials


ACP = -0

Strength 8 -1
  • Athletics (3 ranks)
Climb +2
Jump +2
Swim +2
Intelligence 18 +5
  • Inspect (0 ranks)
  • Linguistics (0 ranks)
Decipher Script
  • Mechanics (0 ranks)
Disable Device
Open Locks
  • Spellcraft (7 ranks)
Spellcraft +12
  • Craft
Alchemy +8 (3 ranks)
Languages:Eloran, Low Coryani, High Coryani, Ssethric, and Altharin (Ancient Imperial)
Dexterity 14 +2
  • Acrobatics (2 ranks)
Balance +4
Tumble +4
  • Legerdemain (0 ranks)
Escape Artist
Sleight of Hand
  • Stealth (0 ranks)
Move Silently
Wisdom 10 +0
  • Heal (0 ranks)
  • Notice (4 ranks)
Listen +6 (+2)
Spot +6 (+2)
Gather Information +3
Sense Motive +3
  • Survival (0 ranks)
Survival +1 (+1)
Use Rope
Constitution 12 +1
  • Concentration (7 ranks)
Autohypnosis +9
Concentration +9
Charisma 10 +0
  • Animals (0 ranks)
Handle Animal
  • Deception (5 ranks)
Bluff +5
Disguise +5
  • Influence (0 ranks)
Intimidate +2 (+2)
Use Magic Device
Use Psionic Device
Knowledges +5

Special Abilities


  • Immortality: Elorii do not age after reaching maturity, but they do continue to grow. An Elorii adds about one foot of height for each thousand years of life. Elorii cannot die from natural aging.
  • Immunities: Elorii are immune to sleep and non-magical diseases. They require two hours of uninterrupted meditation every night. Elorii spellcasters require four hours of uninterrupted rest to regain their daily allotment of spell slots.
  • Low-light Vision: Elorii can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and details under these conditions.
  • Proficient With Sword & Bow: All Elorii train constantly in preparation for the war of vengeance. As a result, all Elorii are proficient with the longbow, the long composite bow, the short bow, the short composite bow, the bastard sword (martial), the longsword, and the shortsword. In addition to the standard Elorii weapon proficiencies, Kelekene gain Weapon Familiarity with the two-bladed sword.

Magus of the Starry Host

  • Domain Spell: A magus of the starry host can cast spells from the Heaven domain (see p. 83) as if they were arcane spells of the same level.
  • Spells in the Heavens: A magus dedicates his magic to a single star (usually a northern star that is in the sky year-round in the Northern Hemisphere, although this may be a serious impediment if he’s forced to travel to the Southern Hemisphere). By concentrating on that star for an hour as it moves in the night sky, he renews expended spell slots.
  • Compound Wondrous Incense: A magus is able to make wondrous incense, a magical incense that fills an area with a dweomer that affects everyone who breathes it (see p. 109). It requires four hours, an Alchemy check (DC 13), and 50 gp in supplies to make one ounce of wondrous incense.
  • Spell Pilgrimage: A magus cannot copy spells from spellbooks to add to his repertoire, but beginning at 2nd level he can discover new magics by making pilgrimages to special locations.
The magus can calculate the viewing location of a celestial phenomena and when it may be viewed to gain magical power. If he travels to that spot (1d100 x spell level miles from the magus’ home base) at the proper time (1d20 x spell level days from the time he determines the event), he gains the knowledge of a spell, which is added to his repertoire.
The magus determines the level of the spell he’d like to learn. He must then make a Knowledge (astrology) check of DC 25 + the level of the spell (he cannot take 20 on the roll, though he may take 10). If he fails, he loses the opportunity to learn the spell at this time and may not attempt another roll for seven days. If he’s successful, he knows the time and place where he needs to be to gain the power. Once he views the phenomena, he gains the new spell knowledge.
Only one new spell may be learned in a month. Magic may not be used to significantly augment the journey (i.e., the magus may use a dimension door spell to save his life in a fight with a monster, but cannot just teleport to the location of the celestial phenomena); the pilgrimage is an essential part of the experience. The GM should award XP to the magus if the quest is completed.