Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons

This character uses rules from:
D&D 4th Edition

Hermis (ECL2)

Cleric 2
Unaligned Medium Elf/Impiltor
Init +3; Passive Perception: 16; Passive Insight: 19

AC: 19, Fort: 14, Ref 14, Will 16 (+7 chainmail; +1 light shield)
HP: 34/17 Healing Surges: 7 Healing per Surge: 8

Speed: 6 (7 normal)
Melee: +6; 1d8+3
Ranged: +6; 1d10+3; 20/40

  • Utility Powers
    • Shield of Faith Daily ✦ Divine (Standard Action; Close burst 5)
      Target: You and each ally in burst
      Effect: The targets gain a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter.

  • Daily Powers
    • Beacon of Hope Daily ✦ Divine, Healing, Implement (Standard Action; Close burst 3)
      Target: Each enemy in burst
      Attack: Wisdom (+4[+5]) vs. Will
      Hit: The target is weakened until the end of its next turn.
      Effect: You and all your allies in the burst regain 5 + 3 hit points, and your healing powers restore + 5 hit points until the end of the encounter.

  • Encounter Powers
    • Elven Accuracy Encounter ✦ (Free Action; Personal)
      Effect: Reroll an attack roll. Use the second roll, even if it’s lower.
    • Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune Encounter ✦ Divine (Free Action; Personal)
      Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.
    • Channel Divinity: Turn Undead Encounter ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant (Standard Action; Close burst 2)
      Target: Each undead creature in burst
      Attack: Wisdom (+4[+5]) vs. Will
      Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier (3[+4]) radiant damage, and you push the target a number of squares equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier (1; 4 total). The target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
      Miss: Half damage, and the target is not pushed or immobilized.
    • Healing Word Encounter (Special) ✦ Divine, Healing (Minor Action; Close burst 5)
      Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round.
      Target: You or one ally
      Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 + 3 hit points.
    • Healing Strike Encounter ✦ Divine, Healing, Radiant, Weapon (Standard Action; Melee weapon)
      Target: One creature
      Attack: Strength (+4[+6]) vs. AC
      Hit: 2[W(d8)] + Strength modifier (3) radiant damage, and the target is marked until the end of your next turn. In addition, you or one ally within 5 squares of you can spend a healing surge + 3HP.

  • At-Will Powers
    • Righteous Brand At-Will ✦ Divine, Weapon (Standard Action; Melee weapon)
      Target: One creature
      Attack: Strength (+4[+6]) vs. AC
      Hit: 1[W(d8)] + Strength modifier (3) damage, and one ally within 5 squares of you gains a power bonus to melee attack rolls against the target equal to your Strength modifier (3) until the end of your next turn.
    • Sacred Flames At-Will ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant (Standard Action; Ranged 5)
      Target: One creature
      Attack: Wisdom (+4[+5]) vs. Reflex
      Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier (3[+5]) radiant damage, and one ally you can see chooses either to gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (1) + one-half your level (1) [2] or to make a saving throw.

Abilities Str 16 +3 | Dex 15 +2 | Con 11 +0 | Int 8 -1 | Wis 17 +3 | Cha 12 +1

  • Feats
    • Shield Proficiency (Light) You gain proficiency with light shields.
    • Skill Training: Athletics
  • Trained Skills (1/2 level [1] + mod + 5)
    • Athletics (Str) -1 armor
    • Heal* (Wis)
    • History* (Int)
    • Insight* (Wis)
    • Religion* (Int)
  • Untrained Skills (1/2 level [1] + mod)
    • Acrobatics (Dex) -1 armor
    • Arcana (Int)
    • Bluff (Cha)
    • Diplomacy* (Cha)
    • Dungeoneering (Wis)
    • Endurance* (Con) -1 armor
    • Nature (Wis) +2
    • Perception (Wis) +2
    • Stealth (Dex) -1 armor
    • Streetwise (Cha)
    • Thievery (Dex) -1 armor


  • Exalted Chainmail +1 ~ Enhancement: AC ~ Power (Daily ✦ Healing): Minor Action. Until the end of your turn, each character healed by one of your encounter powers or daily powers regains additional hit points equal to 1d10 + your Charisma modifier.
  • Light Shield
  • Mace
  • Longbow
  • Adventurers Kit
  • Climbers Kit
  • 403 GP
  • Symbol of Life +1 ~ Implement (Holy Symbol) ~ Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls ~ Critical: +1d6 damage per plus ~ Power (Daily ✦ Healing): Minor Action. Until the end of your turn, any character healed by one of your encounter powers or daily powers regains an additional 1d6 hit points.

  • Elven Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the longbow and the shortbow.
  • Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
  • Group Awareness: You grant non-elf allies within 5 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Perception checks.
  • Wild Step: You ignore difficult terrain when you shift (even if you have a power that allows you to shift multiple squares).