From Drinking and Dragons
< User:Askewnotion | PCs
File:Nye.jpg |
Wilder 1 (ECL 1)
Race: Human
Alignment: CG | Size: M
Patron Deity:
Abilities Assumes 32 point buy
Str 15 +2 |
Dex 12 +1 |
Con 14 +2 |
Int 10 +0 |
Wis 10 +0 |
Cha 16 +3
AC: 11 / Touch: 11, Flatfooted: 10
(+1 Dex)
HP: 12 / HD: 1d6+6
Initiative: +1 / Speed: 30'
Fort: 2 / Reflex: 1 / Will: 2
- Unarmed +3 / 1d3+3 / 20x2 / b
- Touch +3 / Ranged Touch +1
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Base Attack: +0
Languages: Common |
Special Abilities
- Wild Surge +1 (Su): A wilder can choose to invoke a wild surge whenever she manifests a power. When she does so, she gains +1 to her manifester level with that manifestation of the power. The manifester level boost gives her the ability to augment her powers to a higher degree than she otherwise could; however, she pays no extra power point for this wild surge. Instead, the additional 1 power point that would normally be required to augment the power is effectively supplied by the wild surge.
- Psychic Enervation (Ex): Pushing oneself by invoking a wild surge is dangerous. Immediately following each wild surge, a wilder may be overcome by the strain of her effort. The chance of suffering psychic enervation is equal to 5% per manifester level added with the wild surge.
A wilder who is overcome by psychic enervation is dazed until the end of her next turn and loses a number of power points equal to her wilder level.