User:Wizardoest/PCs/Anthony Villani
From Drinking and Dragons
Anthony Villani

Bard 11
Background: Entertainer
Neutral good | Human
Abilities Str 12 +1 | Dex 14 +2 | Con 14 +2 | Int 13 +1 | Wis 14 +2 | Cha 20 +5
4th: +2 to Cha; 8th: Feat
Proficiency Bonus: +4
HP: 80 (11d8+22)
AC: 15 (Glamoured Studded Leather +1)
Saves: Dexterity, Charisma
Move: 30'
Melee [Rapier]: +8 (1d8 piercing + 3)
Ranged [Dart]: +6 (1d4+1)
Save: 17 (8+prof(4)+Cha(5))
Spell Attack: +9
Spell Slots:
- 6th (1)
- Mass Suggestion V,M
- 5th (2)
- Synaptic Static V,S
- C Hold Monster V,S,M
- 4th (3)
- C Compulsion V,S
- Dimension Door V
- C Evard’s Black Tentacles V,S,M
- 3rd (3)
- C Hypnotic Pattern S,M
- C Major Image V,S,M
- C Haste V,S,M
- 2nd (3)
- Knock V
- C Silence V,S
- 1st (4)
- Charm Person V,S
- Cure Wounds V,S
- Thunderwave V,S
- Silent Image V,S,M
- Disguise Self V,S
- Cantrips
- Eldritch Blast V,S
- C Friends S,M
- Message V,S,M
- Vicious Mockery V
- Blade Ward V,S
Active Abilities
- Bardic Inspiration (5/day; Recharge short or long rest)
- w/i 60' get a d10. Use w/i 10 min on ability, attack, save
- Mantle of Inspiration (Bonus action; uses Bardic Insp)
- Grant yourself a wondrous appearance. 5 targets w/i 60' gain 11 temp HP and may use their reaction to move up to their speed w/o provoking.
- Enthralling Performance (Recharge short or long rest)
- After 1min performance 5 targets Wis save or are charmed. Failing doesn't notice the save.
- Mantle of Majesty (Bonus action; Concentration)
- Case Command w/o spending a spell slot and take on an unearthly beauty for 1min.
- Creatures charmed by you automatically fail this save.
- Countercharm
- Perform until the end of my next turn; w/i 30' adv vs frightened/charmed
- Song of Rest (end of short rest)
- Everyone gains +1d8 hp.
- By Popular Demand (Background)
- You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble’s court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.
- Magic Initiate
- Learn two cantrips and one 1st level spell
- Inspiring Leader
- After 10 min pep talk, 6 targets w/i 30' gain 16 temp HP.
- Cannot benefit again until after a short rest.
- Jack of All Trades
- Use any skill with a +2 bonus.
- Expertise
- Double proficiency bonus on four skills (marked with an asterisk)
- ☹️Animal Handling +4
- ☹️Arcana +3
- ☹️Athletics +3
- 👍Acrobatics +6
- 👍Deception +9
- ☹️History +3
- ❤️Insight* +10
- 👍Investigation +5
- 👍Intimidation +9
- ☹️Medicine +4
- ☹️Nature +3
- ❤️Perception* +10
- ❤️Persuasion* +13
- ❤️Performance* +13
- ☹️Religion +3
- ☹️Sleight of Hand +4
- ☹️Stealth +4
- ☹️Survival +4
- Disguise kit
- Entertainer's pack
- Four musical instruments (flute, piano)
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven
Passive Abilities
Proficiencies: Light armor, Simple Weapons, Crossbow, Longsword, Short Sword, Rapier, (3) musical instruments
Jack of All Trades (see Skills)
A musical instrument (one of your choice), the favor of an admirer (love letter, lock of hair, or trinket), a costume, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp
- Glamoured Studded Leather Armor
- Gem of Seeing
- Cloak of Displacement