Drinking & Dragons

User talk:Arz/Builds/Luon

From Drinking and Dragons

So you plan to rewrite your character between each combat? Psychic Reformation --Randy (Talk) 15:00, 15 January 2010 (UTC)

Talked to daryl about this. Used it to rewrite @ ecl7 to gain benefit of item creation feats. Hence 1 power gains ~30% reduction on some items = good math(@which I'm failing). Went way over budget this way. Inquire with daryl if party can gain benefit of my crafting. I'll do math if approved. --Arz 15:09, 15 January 2010 (UTC)
I was just curious if you were going to rewrite the character on the fly during the session. Seems like a crazy/fun thing that you'd do. :-) --Randy (Talk) 15:11, 15 January 2010 (UTC)
Only you. And only because I'm generous. Otherwise, I'd just have to lower the GP values to compensate for that 30%. --Mqs 15:34, 15 January 2010 (UTC)

Power points and Gestalt

As we discussed, because of how gestalt and power points work, psionic classes lend themselves less gracefully to gestalt than other classes. All the other spellcasting classes do have to keep their slots separate, but gestalted psionic characters do not. It's not that big a deal, but it does make them less than ideal to allow within a gestalted game. --Mqs 03:07, 18 January 2010 (UTC)


Control Body does a lot less than you initially primed me for and tried to have it do. A lot of this would have been realized had you grown with your character and had been checking your powers. IE, this power only works on those with humanoid form. This is in addition to the size limitations. It is pretty clear from reading it that only normal basic attacks are possible with the body. This power really reads as one similar to Spell Compendium's druid spell "Binding Winds" -- a kind of "take yourself and one foe both out of combat as long as you concentrate", except this one does let you get something extra out of it by letting you have the body make basic attacks.

Solicit Psicrystal does imply a limit of only one spell transferred at a time (we previously discussed). That it limits the psicrystal to a move action... Saying that the psicrystal maintains the other power. So yes, it does seem that your control body + solicit on yourself is fully legitimate as long as you yourself are still only taking purely mental actions (control body prevents anything else while it's active; Of course, since psionics are not subject to any of the drawbacks of spellcasting (VSM components), this doesn't matter much.). The combination is indeed a fun one, but limited according to control body.

Share Pain for balance reasons, it really is best that the hardness not apply, no matter what the rules suggest otherwise. Comparing Share Pain with Shield Other, both 2nd level, puts Share Pain superior in every single way you try to look at it. It's just too strong for the psicrystal to take practically no damage all the time, thus making Share Pain effectively read "you take half damage" and that's it. Compare to http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/stoneskin.htm. 4th/5th level for very similar effect (DR 10 at the level range is often about half of most attacks; and there's the hard max cap of how much) -- that's rather easily overcome by magic. And costly. With duration in 10 minutes. --Mqs 03:07, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

Time Hop Minor, and it wouldn't have changed anything -- but it does allow repeat saves every round to come back sooner. --Mqs 03:26, 18 January 2010 (UTC)