Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons

Buer was a very passionate druid. She had a home in the deep wilds and was often sought by others for a guide when they had to penetrate an unknown area of the wilding. Many believe that her ability to brave the wilds and be mostly unaffected by it came from her respect of all life. She never took the life of another, and only hunted animals when she needed food.

Her life came to an end when she was hired by a group to explore a very dangerous islands wilding. The plants there had a life of their own and were very poisonous. When a especially vile plant swung a thorn at her employeer she jumped in the way and grasped the vine. She let all of the toxins flow into her system so that it could not infect anyone else in the group. They did their best to save her, but she died on the journey back to Baradin. When she was placed upon her home in the center of the isle, it is said that the earth consumed her.

Sign: Your veins turn black as does your blood. When cut, it oozes out with toxins and poisons, though once in contact with air they are rendered ineffective.

Influence: Under Buer’s influence, you are plagued by momentary memory lapses. For an instant, you might forget even a piece of information as familiar as the name of a friend or family member. Furthermore, since Buer abhors the needless death of living creatures other than animals and vermin, the first melee attack you make against such a foe must be for nonlethal damage. In addition, Buer requires that you not make any coup de grace attacks.

Granted Abilities: Buer grants you healing powers, the ability to ignore toxins and ailments, and skills that help you navigate the natural world.

Buer’s Knowledge: You gain a +4 bonus on Heal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival checks, and you can make Knowledge (nature) checks as if you were trained, even if you have no ranks in that skill.

Buer’s Purity: You have immunity to disease and poison, and making a pact with Buer removes any existing disease and neutralizes any poison that afflicts you.

Delay Diseases and Poisons: Each ally within 30 feet of you gains temporary immunity to poison and disease. Allies within the area make saving throws against disease and poison effects normally, but they do not incur the effects of failure as long as they stay within 30 feet of you. An ally that leaves the area immediately suffers all the effects for any missed saves.

Fast Healing: You gain the fast healing 1, and the rate of healing increases with your effective binder level. You gain fast healing 2 at 10th level, fast healing 3 at 13th level, fast healing 4 at 16th level, and fast healing 5 at 19th level.

Healing Gift: As a standard action, you can cure 1 point of damage to yourself or another creature. As a fullround action, you can cure 1d8 points of damage +1 point per effective binder level (maximum 1d8+10 points). Either version requires that you touch the creature to be cured. If you use the fullround cure ability, you cannot use your healing gift again for 5 rounds. The other version is usable at will. Both uses of the ability channel positive energy and deal a corresponding amount of damage to undead.

Track: You can track foes as though you possessed the Track feat.