Drinking & Dragons


From Drinking and Dragons

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Personality ProfileIslandLogsheet


Alignment: CG | Size: M | Type: Humanoid [Psionic]
Sex: Male | Height: -" | Weight: -# | Hair: - | Eyes: -
Patron Deity: Erythnul
Abilities Str 22 +6 | Dex 12 +1 | Con 16 +3 | Int 11 +0 | Wis 13 +1 | Cha 8 -1


AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+4 armor, +1 dex, +6 natural)
Raging AC 17, touch 7, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 dex, +6 natural, -4)
Large Raging AC 16, touch 6, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 dex, +6 natural, -1 sz, -4) HP 30 (HD:1d12+2d8+9)
Raging HP 36 (HD:1d12+2d8+15)
Init +1
Speed 60'
Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +2

Raging Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +4
Action Points 5


  • Claws +8/+8 | 1d8+6 | Crit 20/*2 | P/S | 0 lbs.
    Special: Improved Grab

Raging Claws+10/+10' | 1d8+8 | Crit 20/*2 | P/S | 0 lbs.
Special: Improved Grab
Large Raging Claws+10/+10' | 2d6+8 | Crit 20/*2 | P/S | 0 lbs.
Special: Improved Grab
Base Attack +2 | Grapple +8 (+2 BAB, +6 Str)


  • Unspent DP: 4
  • 1st: Du'ulora Ancestor [PgtE:] Expend focus to extend rage duration by 5r.
  • PsW1: Speed of Thought
  • 3rd: Antagonist [CP:] Energy ray 1/day.
  • PsW2: Up the Walls


  • Acrobatics +1 (0 ranks)
  • Animals -1 (0 ranks)
  • Athletics +8 (2 ranks)
  • Concentration +9 (6 ranks)
  • Craft () +0 (0 ranks)
  • Deception +1 (0 ranks) +2
  • Heal +1 (0 ranks)
  • Influence +5 (4 ranks) +2
  • Initiative (0 ranks)
  • Inspect +0 (0 ranks)
  • Knowledge () + (0 ranks)
  • Linguistics +3 (0 ranks)
  • Notice +3 (2 ranks)
  • Perform -1 (0 ranks)
  • Spellcraft +2 (1 ranks)
  • Stealth +2 (1 ranks)
  • Streetwise +1 (0 ranks)
  • Survival +3 (2 ranks)

Languages: Common, Quori


Proficient in light, medium, and heavy armors and shields
Proficient with simple and martial weapons
  • Fast Movement(ex):
  • Rage(ex):


+2 against mind spells, mind effects, or possession.
+2 Racial bonus to bluff, diplomacy, disguise, and intimidate.
Immunity to dream and nightmare spells and effects.
Natural Psionic: 1 extra character power point per character lvl.
Mindlink(ps): 1/day
Fast Healing 2(ex):


  • Save DC = 11 + level Manifester Level = 2
'Close = 25 + 5/2lvl = 30'

Medium = 100 + 10/lvl = 120' Long = 400+ 40/lvl = 480'

PP 4