Drinking & Dragons

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From Drinking and Dragons
(Dec IK Schedule)
(54 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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'''Randy:''' Is there any way that you could append your statements with a "Daryl" instead of just tacking on a sentence? (Makes it easier to follow the coversation when reading the page.) Thanks.
== About IK2 namespace deletions (13 Dec 2008) ==
'''Randy:''' Does fast healing count against our healing for the day?

'''Daryl:''' From a magical source, yes.
They were all redirects except the one that I migrated to the IK User space. IK2 was an error that I had apparently not totally deleted. --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 06:23, 13 December 2008 (UTC)
'''Ryan:'''  Pending allowance of a modified Fighter Variant: Thug.  I think it would fit Tolmek's character more.  [[http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#fighterVariantThug Class description.]]
We discussed a few things regarding your revision of fighters for IK and how those should affect this class.
*Things I'm fine giving up: No choice of strong reflex save.
*Things I'd like to keep: extra 1 point in a craft skill.
*Possible edition to the variant: Instead of losing the feat at first level, grant urban tracking as a bonus feat at 1st.  I mean come on.  Ranger lite.
'''Ryan:''' I'm considering the Extra Music feat for Tolmek (+4 music uses/day).  Is this adaptable for fell caller?  Also, since the fell caller gets fell call uses per day at twice the rate of bard, would this feat be good for more than 4 uses/day?
'''Daryl:''' thug as a fighter without a 1st level feat but 4 instead of 2 skill poitns per level and only light armor [and those skills].  that's fine.  extra music's fine, though not too useful for fell caller comparative to bard.

Scheduling:  Since there isn't going to be a gameday for LRC on 29 Dec and the session before the holidays was cancelled, would you mind if I ran LRC starting on 05 Jan? --[[User:Wizardoest|Randy, DM]] 14:42, 27 Dec 2005 (EST)
== MQS interwiki enabled ==

'''Herman:''' Why were you surprised that I bought Races of the Dragon? (Or at least, what sparked the "Don't tell me you actually bought Races of the Dragon" comment.)
* [[mqs:Category:Campaign]]
* [[srd:classes/barbarian.htm|Barbarian]] this has been enabled for a long time, though it will soon redirect to d20final when complete.

Also, you'll love the book.  It's section on Kobolds is extensive and it has a set of classes that can easily boost a melee or a sorcerous kobold into a force to be reckoned with.  A fighter 4, sorcerer 1, dragon disciple 10 can get a total of +10 to strength by 15th level.  Plus Disciple of the Eye is one of the quirkier prestige classes that I've seen.
== Unresolved Issues ==
The next campaign is unlikely to resolve the following issues I still have with the rules:
* Fear
** Shouldn't be will save only
* Hit die vs CR
** more abilities should rely on the creature's CR rather than its HD
*** Polymorph
*** Knowledge skill identification
*** Immunities to low-level spells
* Grappling
** So far outside of the normal rules
** So very powerful if specialized in it
** Screws over so many people on a lost grapple
--[[User:Mqs|Mqs]] 22:28, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

On a different note, I made mention of an article that proved that Improved Critical and keen should still stack.  Here it is:
== Moving pages ==

[http://www.seankreynolds.com/rpgfiles/rants/keenimprovedcritstacking.html Rant: If Keen and Improved Critical Don't Stack, The Terrorists Will Have Won]
When you move Bo and Fuelwen's pages please delete the redirects that are left behind, so we don't have orphaned pages. Thanks! --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 13:54, 6 February 2009 (UTC)
:I have move permissions, but not delete. --[[User:Mqs|Mqs]] 15:09, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

I'm not asking for any rulings on improved critical by posting this article.  I'm just posting it because I wanted you to know why I brought it up.
== Simon's spellbook ==

'''Daryl:''' I always liked the idea of multiple forms of threat-increasing stacking.  But, I'd like to keep it by the rules.  As for my asking that -- I knew you'd buy it.  I was considering it but have not.  I might if I catch another Mediaplay going out of business with 40% off all books.

'''Herman:''' That's okay.  I didn't think you'd let them stack anyway.  Besides, I don't think the writer of the article knew there'd be a greatsword with an 18 to 20 threat range. 
== Planted a Tree for ya ==

As for Races of the Dragon, I'd've been surprised if you thought I ''wasn't'' going to buy it. It's just some of the comments about the scanners make me wonder if you've got another source for sourcebooks.
'''Herman''' Daryl, I'd like to change Jamison's feats around a little. I was thinking Power Attack instead of Monkey Grip and either Cleave or Improved Sunder for the 3rd level feat.  (Probably Cleave to get Great Cleave at 6th level)
**Mauris a risus. Fusce sed velit et erat vulputate facilisis. Proin placerat nulla id lorem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec iaculis, risus sit amet adipiscing tristique, tellus mi tincidunt risus, sit amet fermentum turpis dolor et orci. Curabitur ac turpis semper libero facilisis tempus. Donec tortor. Aenean a nulla vulputate ipsum ultricies interdum. Proin semper. Proin imperdiet eleifend velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce imperdiet lacus nec dui interdum porta. Fusce molestie ullamcorper odio. Aliquam vitae tortor. Donec convallis commodo neque. Sed luctus. Pellentesque tortor est, bibendum et, congue quis, elementum a, magna. Mauris ac est. Mauris suscipit convallis augue. Morbi ut quam.  
**Another sub-item
**Another sub-item

I've looked at the math for Monkey Grip and the extra damage you get from having the Monkey Grip as a feat ISN'T ANY BETTER THAN POWER ATTACK.  If I'm doing the math correctly, then it's actually worse.
== Proposal to the template Starring ==

Jamison gets an extra 1d6 from Monkey Grip for a -2 to his attack rolls, an average of 3.5 points of damage.  But if he'd taken Power Attack instead he'd get +4 damage for the same penalty to hit.  Even with critical hits factored in, power attack is still better.
See [[Template_talk:Starring]]

There is also the fact that most weapons DON'T give 1d6 extra damage, they only up the die size once. The best other weapons give is 2d4 to 2d6 with Monkey Grip and most weapons don't do that.
== Expanded Shaman list ==

This will change a grand total of next to nothing for roleplay purposes.  Jamison will still carry a Cleft Greatsword which draws sideways looks and distrust. The only real benefits will be a slightly better chance to hit and the ability to carry a backup weapon that isn't a dagger. (14 pounds off of encumbrance.)
[[Shaman Spell List]]

Jamison's gold will also stay the same because It's already been spent.  I'm not even going to ask for a revision of his gold spent because I didn't make sure a feat was worth taking.  It's not that bad a hit anyway.
== Results of Disposable poll ==

I'm now wondering why Wotc even printed Monkey Grip. It's not worth the cost you pay when you take the feat.
Will the interest in the variants be posted to the wiki? --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 02:54, 23 December 2009 (UTC)
:Have you determined what you'll be running yet? We'll need some time to get the word out. --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 02:12, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
::With 6 responses, Gestalt is the clear winner.  I'll try to post all the results tonight. --[[User:Mqs|Mqs]] 12:28, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
:::Excellent! --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 14:20, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
::::I am shocked. That was my #3 or #4 choice. Shadowcaster/Swashbuckler here I come! --[[User:Askewnotion|Askewnotion]] 15:38, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
:::::Awesome. I'm thinking Commoner/Warrior. --[[User:T3knomanser|t3knomanser]] 21:00, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
::::::Duskblade/Warmage FTW --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 21:33, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
:::::::Can I post creation rules first? --[[User:Mqs|Mqs]] 21:55, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
::::::::I still stand by my utterly crappy PC class combo. Well, toss up between samurai and swashbuckler. --[[User:Askewnotion|Askewnotion]] 22:48, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
== Nathaniel's Island ==

See [[Wild:PC/Nathaniel/Island]]. Before the game tonight I want to fill you in on a couple of thoughts that I don't want to post on the wiki. --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 18:53, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
'''Herman:''' On a different note, I figured you'd like this since you're a fan of Kobolds. [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060127a Races of the Dragon Web Enhancement]  It includes Kobold Traps from CR 1 to 10 and the Kobold Paragon.  The Kobold Paragon even gives a reason for Kobolds to break from normal kobold society.
'''Randy:''' I thought that you may find [http://www.a-wiki.com/index.php/Main_Page this wiki] interesting. It's an architectual wiki that uses google maps to plot the location of the buildings.

== IK: Faith Healing? ==
== Something I should know about... ==

#Is ''Faith Healing'' available in IK?
Everyone seems to be creating backup Wilding PCs... is a TPK coming...? --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 22:44, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
#Would ''Faith Healing'' apply to all worshippers of Morrow, or just the specific ascendant?
::Eric and I have a sense that a death is coming. Honestly, I think it'll probably be Tsk'Tsk. No offense.  --[[User:T3knomanser|t3knomanser]] 02:32, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
:::None taken. I feel death hovering over TskTsk's shoulder waiting for just the right moment to whisper in his ear, "Tag, you're it." --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 00:33, 15 October 2010 (UTC)

Faith Healing is available.  It applies to all worshippers of that religion and is not limited by ascendant.  It is still subject to Pain of Healing saving throw.
== Is the gameday switching to Wed starting this week? ==

== Armors available for purchase ==
Eric starts classes this week. --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 11:31, 9 May 2011 (UTC)

'''Randy:''' [[The Tanned Hide]] has gotten to Robhim the list of available armors.
== Schedule ==
Are you planning to post a schedule to the wiki? If you aren't, I would like to empty out the Sitenotice. --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Randy]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 17:49, 26 September 2011 (EDT)
:Not at this time. --[[User:Mqs|Mqs]] 12:44, 27 September 2011 (EDT)

== Concerning Fun: ==
== Joseph ==

'''Herman:''' I really couldn't address this at the session, what with the interruption and all.
See [[Vat_talk:PC/Joseph]].

You said that D&D is about fun, not getting the highest modifier that you could. (Which you called powergaming.)  That is true. (Mostly True.) D&D is supposed to be cooperative storytelling, not a competition.  And I have been enjoying the IK campaign, despite a few minor annoyances, despite how much I might gripe. (Game mechanics annoyances, not player or DM annoyances.)
== Motherload of free d20 Modern Adventures from WotC ==

But you can't have fun with a sub optimum character. If I would have kept Jamison with Monkey Grip, I would have gotten frustrated every time that he missed by one or two because of the penalty from Monkey Grip. I would also have been frustrated every time Jamison had to switch weapons because Monkey Grip cost too much against high AC enemies. Power Attack showed the biggest reason it is better than Monkey Grip today. (Yesterday, by now.)

Power Attack is flexible.  Against the High AC Mechanothrall, I didn't Power Attack to assure a better chance of hitting.  Against the rats, full Power Attack was the way to go because of the low AC.  Monkey Grip is static, offering no flexibility for different AC enemies.
== rPitt created ==

I'd also like to note that Powergaming is simply putting together an effective build for a character.  It can easily be taken too far, when all of a character's effort is placed into only one strategy for absurd damage. (Especially when that strategy excludes other options almost totally.) I happen to like Optimizing a character, without going overboard.
FYI --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Wizardoest]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 18:46, 21 August 2012 (EDT)

If I'd been trying to powergame Jamison, I'd have gone for a Chain Tripper, a Mounted Combat Build or an Archery Build. (Or he'd be a Barbarian W/Monkey Grip.) But I'm not, he's still got a good bit of "flavor" to him, it's just not blatantly across his back now. (Well, it is, but it's not so visible now. I'm also sorry to say, it's severely unlikely that Jamison will take Monkey Grip again.  There are too many other feats to choose from and I consider Monkey Grip a subpar feat now.
== Immediately thought of Bo ==

If Jamison were a fighter, he would take it again at some point. Hexblades are too feat starved to take a "flavor feat" though. I'd probably still not have much fun dealing with the -2 penalty that MK imposes on attacks or the extra weight that a larger weapon adds.
http://www.coolminiornot.com/pics/pics16/img505607bebaf55.jpg --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Wizardoest]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 00:21, 17 September 2012 (EDT)

==Just a note==
== Moved Duck to inactive status ==

'''Herman:''' Daryl, please enjoy the half gallon of milk that I'd intended to bring home with me.  It seems to have remained in your fridge.
--<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Wizardoest]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 20:53, 16 November 2014 (EST)

== I will miss the 05 Oct IK game ==
== Sandpoint map now fits on the page ==

'''Randy:''' I'm going on my first vacation in years and will miss the game on Thursday.
It was driving me crazy, so now images no longer go out of frame. --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Wizardoest]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 23:13, 15 February 2015 (EST)

== Dec IK Schedule ==
== Delete [[Links and Downloads]] page? ==

Does the [[Template:Schedule|Dec IK schedule]] work for you? I'm not sure when you'll be out of town for the holiday. --[[User:Wizardoest|Wizardoest]] 19:53, 26 November 2006 (EST)
I'm not sure how useful this remains. Delete? --<strong>[[User:Wizardoest|Wizardoest]]</strong> ([[User talk:Wizardoest|Talk]]) 22:25, 16 July 2015 (EDT)

Latest revision as of 19:25, 16 July 2015

About IK2 namespace deletions (13 Dec 2008)

They were all redirects except the one that I migrated to the IK User space. IK2 was an error that I had apparently not totally deleted. --Randy (Talk) 06:23, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

MQS interwiki enabled

Unresolved Issues

The next campaign is unlikely to resolve the following issues I still have with the rules:

  • Fear
    • Shouldn't be will save only
  • Hit die vs CR
    • more abilities should rely on the creature's CR rather than its HD
      • Polymorph
      • Knowledge skill identification
      • Immunities to low-level spells
  • Grappling
    • So far outside of the normal rules
    • So very powerful if specialized in it
    • Screws over so many people on a lost grapple

--Mqs 22:28, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

Moving pages

When you move Bo and Fuelwen's pages please delete the redirects that are left behind, so we don't have orphaned pages. Thanks! --Randy (Talk) 13:54, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

I have move permissions, but not delete. --Mqs 15:09, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

Simon's spellbook


Planted a Tree for ya


  • Root1
    • Mauris a risus. Fusce sed velit et erat vulputate facilisis. Proin placerat nulla id lorem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec iaculis, risus sit amet adipiscing tristique, tellus mi tincidunt risus, sit amet fermentum turpis dolor et orci. Curabitur ac turpis semper libero facilisis tempus. Donec tortor. Aenean a nulla vulputate ipsum ultricies interdum. Proin semper. Proin imperdiet eleifend velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce imperdiet lacus nec dui interdum porta. Fusce molestie ullamcorper odio. Aliquam vitae tortor. Donec convallis commodo neque. Sed luctus. Pellentesque tortor est, bibendum et, congue quis, elementum a, magna. Mauris ac est. Mauris suscipit convallis augue. Morbi ut quam.
    • Another sub-item
  • Root2
    • Sub-item
    • Another sub-item


Proposal to the template Starring

See Template_talk:Starring

Expanded Shaman list

Shaman Spell List

Results of Disposable poll

Will the interest in the variants be posted to the wiki? --Randy (Talk) 02:54, 23 December 2009 (UTC)

Have you determined what you'll be running yet? We'll need some time to get the word out. --Randy (Talk) 02:12, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
With 6 responses, Gestalt is the clear winner. I'll try to post all the results tonight. --Mqs 12:28, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
Excellent! --Randy (Talk) 14:20, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
I am shocked. That was my #3 or #4 choice. Shadowcaster/Swashbuckler here I come! --Askewnotion 15:38, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
Awesome. I'm thinking Commoner/Warrior. --t3knomanser 21:00, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
Duskblade/Warmage FTW --Randy (Talk) 21:33, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
Can I post creation rules first? --Mqs 21:55, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
I still stand by my utterly crappy PC class combo. Well, toss up between samurai and swashbuckler. --Askewnotion 22:48, 4 January 2010 (UTC)

Nathaniel's Island

See Wild:PC/Nathaniel/Island. Before the game tonight I want to fill you in on a couple of thoughts that I don't want to post on the wiki. --Randy (Talk) 18:53, 29 December 2009 (UTC)

Something I should know about...

Everyone seems to be creating backup Wilding PCs... is a TPK coming...? --Randy (Talk) 22:44, 13 October 2010 (UTC)

Eric and I have a sense that a death is coming. Honestly, I think it'll probably be Tsk'Tsk. No offense. --t3knomanser 02:32, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
None taken. I feel death hovering over TskTsk's shoulder waiting for just the right moment to whisper in his ear, "Tag, you're it." --Randy (Talk) 00:33, 15 October 2010 (UTC)

Is the gameday switching to Wed starting this week?

Eric starts classes this week. --Randy (Talk) 11:31, 9 May 2011 (UTC)


Are you planning to post a schedule to the wiki? If you aren't, I would like to empty out the Sitenotice. --Randy (Talk) 17:49, 26 September 2011 (EDT)

Not at this time. --Mqs 12:44, 27 September 2011 (EDT)


See Vat_talk:PC/Joseph.

Motherload of free d20 Modern Adventures from WotC


rPitt created

FYI --Wizardoest (Talk) 18:46, 21 August 2012 (EDT)

Immediately thought of Bo

img505607bebaf55.jpg --Wizardoest (Talk) 00:21, 17 September 2012 (EDT)

Moved Duck to inactive status

--Wizardoest (Talk) 20:53, 16 November 2014 (EST)

Sandpoint map now fits on the page

It was driving me crazy, so now images no longer go out of frame. --Wizardoest (Talk) 23:13, 15 February 2015 (EST)

Delete Links and Downloads page?

I'm not sure how useful this remains. Delete? --Wizardoest (Talk) 22:25, 16 July 2015 (EDT)