A:8 Cult of the Frog
From Drinking and Dragons
Starring: βέλος, Diantha val'Emman, Kweto Lucullus, Jayvin De-gaul, Vicente Eisner, and Mauritius
Guest Starring: Iskander val'Mehan, Akar Manzoor and Makram Faatir, Iron Soul Prisoner, Captain Vasko of the Legion of the Creeping Asp, Diviner Anthea Lambrou, Manilito, Rosario Vallejo, Alun Northstag
Challenge: Iron Soul prisoner, Slaad demon
Location: Grokha, Whon
Date Played: 13 Sept 2009
Mauritius' Creeping
Prisoner Break
Cult of the Frog
AKA Randy swallows Frank