Drinking & Dragons

L:6 Entering Sala's Dream World

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 15:39, 22 September 2011 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs) (Dario's recap)

Starring: Dario-icon.gif Dario, Thaddeus-icon.gif Thaddeus, Tarralon-icon.gif Tarralon, Nict-icon.gif Nict, & Malyth-icon.gif Malyth
Guest Starring: Far Wanderer Alyrarel Myshanore
Challenge: Sala's dream world, Iridescian Spirits
Location: Sala's dream world
Date Played: 18 Sept 2011

Down the Rabbit Hole

Dario-icon.gif Dario: Finally the day arrives where I and my companions are to go on our trek to save the life of Sala. We stride forth into the courtyard where a collection of dream knights and their squires look on us with a naive sympathy. They believe that we will perish at worst or return failures at best, having wasted our precious dream dust. I stand proud and know—KNOW—that victory will be ours and are damsel in distress will be revived.

Before us is a table that has a ball of shimmering color, a long adamantine staff, and Sala's journal. Apparently Tarralon has finally yielded it over, having consumed it's pages. We eat our dream dust and are transported.

Serene Scene

Dario-icon.gif Dario: We arrive in a happy place, near a lake on a beautiful day. The very first thing that we do is begin experimenting with the world around us. Knowing that the phantasmal killer that we seek is vulnerable to fire, I lace my greatsword with it. I also give the blade a hatred of dream creatures and that, well, backfires, as I am a dream creature in this place. I fix my error and give the blade a hatred of phantasmal killers. Lesson learned.

Follow the Path

Dario-icon.gif Dario: Tarralon warps reality and casts a spell that tells him where Sala lies, and we are off. The lake before us parts, leading to a hole that continues down down down. Through a series of events, Tarralon and I are falling while under the effects of Feather Fall. When the duration runs out we are still falling and at the last minute Tarralon casts Feather Fall again.

At the bottom of the hole is another hole. We begin digging it out while we wait over an hour for the others.


Dario-icon.gif Dario: A sweet smoke rises from our hole and once we make it big enough we discover that it leads to inside of a giant beehive.
