NW:2 Pitor Killed the Captain
From Drinking and Dragons
Starring: Sedeq, Brenton, Pitor, and Falcon
Guest Starring: Eleanor Oaksey, Billy Younder, Ester Frey, Crayborn Frey, Arry Frey, Edwin Bainbridge, and introducing Dario Nardozzi, Maud Steed, and Amabel
Challenge: Wild Dogs; Sheep, Billy Younder, Confusion
Location: Aboard the The Stranger's Bride
Date Played: 01 Feb 2011
Sedeq tends to the girl/A pig goes missing/My magnets are crazy!
All hands on deck for jobs
Billy is attacked by the captain's dogs
Dramatic cliffhanger
- Falcon fights against the magics of Billy and the blades of a crewman on the mast.
- Sedeq races to get people on the deck, in the hopes of sorting this out, after first beaten a sheep to near death.
- Brenton finds Pitor in the captains quarters, with pieces of the captain's insides strewn throughout, yelling "Pitor killed the Captain!"
- Crayborn is disabled by two crewmen while fighting for Arry, who hangs from the mast by his hands, unconscious.