Brew:8 The Esteamed League
← Prev: 7 The Computer Does Not Dodge |
Starring: James, Guy, Becca, Ilke, Brick
Guest Starring: Gambit (Chang), Lord Mekka
Challenge: Negatrons
Location: Benedum Hall, Cathedral Basement
Date Played: 12 Apr 2012
Leaving the Scene of the Crime
James: With the weird dudes down and the big ass computer quiet, we decide to grab the hard drive and jet. Becca starts monkeying around with the guts of the machine, and we hear a security guard coming. I quickly stage a loud and rowdy boisterous drunken lightsaber battle scene with Guy in the next room to cover up the sound and give her time to vamoose with the goods. The guard finds us, of course, and I delay him a bit with some asshole-attitude. When he's about to get serious with taking down our data so we're held accountable for all the damage, I think quickly and make him fall asleep. I felt bad, poor guy. But my ass was on the line. We posed the unconscious ninja nerds next to him as the swordfighters, I dunno if he'll buy it. But it did the trick, everyone else was gone when I went back into Deep Blue's room. So me and Guy just left the same way we came in.
James: I don't know what the shit to think about all that stuff. Hopefully Becca can get something useful from the hard drives. I also think we should check out that "Ribca" thing a bit closer.
The Esteamed League of LARPers
The commercial break for this episode was a video of Randy cutting up a watermelon with a sword.