GPCFBRPGN:1 E1S1 The Milkrun
From Drinking and Dragons
← Prev: GPCFBRPGN:0_Worldbuilding | Next: GPCFBRPGN:2_E1S2_Life_is_a_Carnival →
Starring: Blink,
Guest Starring: Mysterious Benefactor
Challenge: [Encounter 1] Orc Archer, Orc Warrior ×2, Goblin Scum ×4; [Encounter 2] Bugbear Assassin
Location: Natum, Durell
Date Played: 2018 November 07

GM Play notes
GM: The players are hired to get a small box in the possession of an orc military airship escort.
- Player montage to determine the path of the escort and find a way onboard.
- Players stop the advancement of the ship.
- [Encounter 1]
- Players make their way onto the orc airship
- Search for the lockbox
- Ambushed by the bugbear assassin
- [Encounter 2]
- Brooks "accidentally" blows up the airship
- The package is delivered with the players never knowing what is inside or who they delivered it to