Drinking & Dragons

A:7 Following the Trail of Alun Northstag

From Drinking and Dragons

Starring: βέλος, Diantha val'Emman, Kweto Lucullus, Jayvin De-gaul, Brand and introducing Vicente Eisner
Guest Starring: Marcel Wilhem, Stefan and Stefanie Wilhem, Iskander val'Mehan, Jon Arryn, Arden Blackeye, Lanky Half Orc, Bronislaw val'Abebi, Akar Manzoor and Makram Faatir, Iron Soul Prisoner, and Hobgoblin Cleric
Challenge: Giant Ant/Wasp Insect; Blackwand Thieves Guild; Half-hobgoblin archers in a tower
Location: Aliegis; Blackwand; River crossing on the road to Grokha
Date Played: 16 Aug 2009

Brand boards the Maidenhead to join the party in Blackwand

Mauritius: I've never liked boats. I found that water is not very legionaire friendly. Poor Bob, he never lived up to his name on that one fateful voyage.

Thieves Guild teaches the party a lesson?

Mauritius: I'm sure Starlet had something to do with this. She most likely game them all her money to dress them in fineries and we never saw it coming. Ugh, my head is spinning. I don't know what is going on with my memory these days.

Mauritius seeks cups, finds love

Mauritius: I did the what with the who? This whole recent trip seems like a daze that I can only see through others eyes. A warm fuzzy feeling inside and a cup. Well, I hope it was a large cup...

Seeking Northstag, Find Iron Soul Monks

Half-hobgoblin Toll is far too high


Thieves Guild
Studded Leather (5)
Shortsword, masterwork (5)
Buckler (5)
Dagger (5)
Farmers at the tower are grateful and give the party the following
Three pigs that the party used
Beef Cow
Dairy Cow