Drinking & Dragons

SH/PC:Dr Dare

From Drinking and Dragons

Dr David Darington Refresh 2

Mantle: Magical Practitioner


High Concept: Mathemagical History Solver
Trouble: I'm Running Out of Time
Aspect: Craving Alien Knowledge
Aspect: "I have a program for that!"
Aspect: Disregarded by the Mainstream


  • Careful +2
  • Clever +3
  • Flashy +2
  • Forceful +0
  • Quick +1
  • Sneaky +1

Stunts and Extras

Because you’re a wizard, you can hurl magic around, using the base forms of the five elements: fire, air, earth, water, and spirit. This gives you the ability to perform any of the four basic actions with magic, and it allows you to do things that are patently impossible for normal mortals. At the GM’s discretion, doing so gives you scale (page 65).

You may push yourself to get more bang for your buck with your evocations, as follows:

  • Check off a box of Stressed to get +1 on any one magical action. If you check two boxes, get +2. You may only check off two boxes at a time.
  • Check Exhausted to get +4 on any one magical action, or to attack multiple targets with magic without having to divide your roll (page 67).
  • Check Burned Out to get +2 on all of your magical actions for the rest of the scene, or to attack multiple targets with magic without having to divide your roll if you’ve already checked off Exhausted.

You are better than most at casting ritual magic, described in detail on page 68. You automatically get one free invoke on any ritual spell aspect.

The Sight:
You can choose to open your Third Eye to the world. When you do this, make a Clever roll against Fair (+2) opposition. If you’re targeting a specific being with The Sight, roll Clever against the higher of their Careful or Clever approach.

  • If you fail, you learn something confusing and terrible, and it messes you up. The GM will give you some cryptic information, but mark off a condition of your choice.
  • If you tie, you learn something confusing. You can take the confusing information, or you can mark off a condition of your choice for more clarity from the GM.
  • If you succeed, you learn something cryptic but definitely useful. This thing is an advantage with a free invoke.
  • If you succeed with style, the vision is unusually straightfor- ward, and is definitely useful. This thing is an advantage with two free invokes.

When you look a mortal in the eye, you can soulgaze with them, but they get to soulgaze with you, too. Make a Clever roll, opposed by their Clever roll.

  • If you succeed, you learn something useful about them. If you succeed with style, you learn two useful things about them. These things are advantages with a free invoke. They learn nothing useful in either case.
  • If you tie, you both learn something useful. You each get an advantage with a free invoke.
  • If you fail, they learn something useful about you and get an advantage with a free invoke, but you learn nothing.

Encyclopedia Perambula
At the beginning of an episode, make a Knowledge roll against a difficulty of Mediocre (+0). For every 2 shifts you get on the roll, put a boost in to play. Name each boost after a field of study, like Biology, Forensic Science, or Psychology. These boosts stick around until the episode ends or until you use them, whichever comes first. You can invoke one of these boots to automatically succeed on an overcome action with any skill if the matter at hand is related to the boost's field of study.

Enchanted Item ("Mobile" Computer)
You always carry a useful item around with you, either a potion or other magical gadget. Once per session, you can use this item to create some form of effect on yourself. Work with the GM to determine the specifics, but typically this won’t grant more than a +2 bonus to a single roll, or a +1 bonus to specific rolls throughout a scene. A particularly powerful item might also require you to take a condition. You can give your item to someone else if you like. You can take this stunt up to three times; each time allows you to use this stunt an additional time per session.

Loremaster (Computers and Gadgets)
You’re a scholar of arcane lore and magical theory, and are the sort of person who just knows stuff. Once per session you may declare that you can read an obscure text in a mysterious language, or can decipher symbols engraved in an ornate summoning circle, or the like.

Walker of the Ways:
You possess knowledge of how to use the Nevernever to get from place to place in a hurry. Once per session, you may conveniently arrive in a scene in a manner and time of your choosing.

Stress and Conditions

Exhausted (sticky) [ ]
Pushing yourself too far is dangerous. If you’re Exhausted, you need to do something to recharge your batteries: have a meal, drink a couple of energy drinks, take a nap, get a good night’s sleep. Typically this means low activity for a scene; at the very least it means nothing too strenuous, and no magic.

Burned Out (lasting) [ ] [ ]
If you keep pushing yourself, you can burn your magical ability out entirely. If you’re Burned Out, you can’t cast magic, period, until you recover. To start recovery, you need to get a meal, a good night’s sleep, and maybe some medical treatment. Take some time to get yourself back on track. Once you’ve done that, erase the right-most box on the condition. Erase the left-most box at the end of the next session.

Stressed (fleeting) 1 each — [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
A fleeting condition goes away when you get a chance to catch your breath and calm down.

In Peril (Sticky) 4 [ ]
Clear out In Peril when you’ve done something concrete to resolve whatever the nature of the peril is—getting medical attention if it’s an injury, bribing someone to remove the marker, and so on. Usually, this means you’ll need to overcome an obstacle against an opposition of Great (+4) or higher.

Doomed (Lasting) 6 [ ]
When you’re Doomed, you’re in serious, serious trouble. If it’s an injury, you’re holding your guts in. If it’s an emotional problem, you probably need counseling. Check off Doomed to cancel six shifts from any attack. Start recovering from being Doomed when you’ve done something concrete to mitigate the nature of your doom—spending time in a hospital if you’re injured, going to therapy, etc. Usually, this means you’ll need to overcome an obstacle against an opposition of Great (+4) or higher. (You may want to put a check mark by the condition, to indicate it’s recovering but not cleared.) Clear out Doomed at the end of the next session after you’ve successfully started recovery.

Other versions of Dr Dare