A:6 Rushing Out of Enpebyn
From Drinking and Dragons
Starring: βέλος, Diantha val'Emman, Kweto Lucullus, Mauritius, Jayvin De-gaul and the final appearance of Utu Pratalong
Guest Starring: Marcel Wilhem, Stefan and Stefanie Wilhem, Enzio val'Tensen, Hadar, Yemen
Challenge: Psionicist and two thugs; Dusk Hag and four Howler Wasps; Two Ogres
Location: Enpebyn, Aliegis
Date Played: 19 July 2009
- Loot from Dusk Hag
- 820gp
- Amber Amulet of Vermin (Giant Bee) - Attempting to sell
- Loot from Ogre campsite, consisting of the remains of a dead adventuring party.
- 3500 gp
- Brass Mug inlaid with jade - Detect Magic and then identify/appraise to sell
- Two Scrolls - Need identified
- Glittery stone - Detect Magic and then identify/appraise to sell
- Holy Symbol of Illir
- 50' Rope in good condition
- Breastplate, mw - Detect Magic and then identify/appraise to sell